下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Development and Process of the Film,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了影片的制作和过程。想要制作一部电影,首先就必须要创作一个剧本,然后解决资金的问题,组建剧组,确定相关人员。之后就可以选择拍摄地点,进入拍摄阶段。拍摄完之后就是电影的后期制作了。而在电影的制作过程中,会面临非常多细节的问题,所以制作者一定要深思熟虑之后再做出决定。
As a producer, especially a producer in a small company, he must pay more attention to the decisions on his crew, players, directors, theme and budget etc., because small companies have no a huge financial support to waste on unnecessary expense. And this article will introduce readers how a film made by a small company will produce in practice. First, the essay will tell readers what kind of theme the producer will choose and why; second, it will show everyone who will be employed in the film including the players, directors and all other staff; Third, it will tell where will the film be shot and how to proceed in the practice; At last, it will display what obstacles or difficulties appearing during the filming.
Theme and Reasons
Since there is a limited fund, the producer usually prefers a chick-flick, a love story than a sci-fi film, a documentary, an action movie or other themes of movies cost too much. For instance, according to the data launched at the press of the documentary, Titanic, it cost more than 300,000,000 US dollars in total for production, which is too costly for a small company to afford. To take other case for example, the famous sci-fi film series, Transformers, with its four films being on sequentially, those cost an expense about 700,000,000 US dollars(Jeremy Vineyard, 2015). In contrary, a love story usually plays as a screen attracter as well as a money saver such as The Bridge of Madison County with its cost of 600,000 US dollars and box office return of 150, 000, 000(Todd Downing, 2010), besides, the film, sense and sensibility and Gone with the Wind are other examples. So, a love story is the best choice for small company, which pays a little but gains a lot.
Crew and Actors
As to the crew, the experienced ones won’t be the first consideration but the green ones who are enthusiastic, energetic and aggressive are preferential because those people care less about remuneration while they do their job as best as they can. When considering the actors and directors in a love story who must have a sense of roman then the secondary actors and middling directors will be more available to the film for they charge less while having a certain qualification to assure a descent box office(Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, 2010).
Filming Location and filming Process
To choose a shooting location, the background of the place must be relevant to the film (Eldon A Mainyu, 2011). As everyone knows, Greece is an antique country where most world civilizations are given birth. And the Aegean Sea has been especially a place of roman attracting people all over the world. So the filming location will be set in the Aegean Sea. Before the shooting, there is always a script. Scriptwriter is a very important member of a film; the producer has to look for a good script that he must negotiate with its writer. After settling down all the details with the writer, the producer begins to find sponsor to make a budget plan then he offers a certain paid to the staff, actors and directors and plans a fixed disbursement until all work is done. After that, producer should arrange the venue booking and communicate with all people involving in the film to gather in the appointed place and time. Shooting is beginning!
Obstacles and Solutions
The scheduling conflict is always a headache to a producer, so he must make a suitable time schedule for all the staff especially the actors to make sure all of them can shoot in their neutral position. Otherwise, when making the film, there is always overtime for every one of the crew, therefore, they have no enough time for a rest but they must keep working and producer should not only overcome the fatigue but also comfort the staff so that everything goes smoothly. What’s more, the producer has the biggest pressure because he is responsible for the sponsors, staff and audience. But, he must learn to get a hold of himself and to find a good way to communicate with others avoiding unnecessary conflicts among staff.
Making a good film is an uneasy job, there is always a better way for all producers to learn and to make a better work. There is too much pressure and so many details that a producer has to deal with, however he cannot give up whatever happen to him. At last, it is never too soon to make a decision or all decisions should be made after deep considerations!
A. Jeremy Vineyard, 2015, Setting Up Your Shots: Great Camera Moves Every Filmmaker Should Knoe(Second Edition).
B. Todd Downing, 2010, Master This!: Film-making, Powerkids Pr.
C. Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, 2010, Alphascript Publishing: Film-making.
D. Eldon A Mainyu, 2011, Aud Publishing: Film Producer.