
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- How to change the punishment environment in American legal system,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了如何改变美国法律制度中的惩罚环境。在美国的法律体系中,人们通常把罪犯放进监狱里进行看管。而罪犯虽然需要关押在监狱,但他们也同样需要社会的帮助。人们应该尊重所有犯人的尊严和价值,尊重他们的宗教和文化信仰。即使是罪犯在过去犯过错,但他们仍然享有基本人权。

American legal system,惩罚环境,英国论文代写,论文代写,paper代写

Crime is a violation of the law, in the American legal system, people usually put the criminal into punishment facility. Violations usually create guilt, it is necessary to identify the blame and punishment in order to achieve justice. However, in addition to the criminal who is really evil, most of criminals should to treated with a more suitable way.

Punishment attempts to reconcile crime with his direct victims by restoring the compensation mechanism and sin at the larger community. As a result, it has certain advantage in some way. Unfortunately, it is not useful to eliminate the tension between justice and mercy.

Offenders getting what they deserve in punishment facility, but they also need the help from social. People should respect all the prisoners for person dignity and value, respect the their religious and cultural beliefs. Even the offenders toke mistake in the past, they still enjoy basic human rights. The prisoners have the right to take part in the education that can help them development of the personality.

On the other hand, solitary confinement should be abolished or restrict as a means of punishment. The punishment facility should create conditions to engage prisoners in meaningful work with payment, and offer the prisoners with health care services and other basic rights.

The help from the community and the participation of social institutions can create favorable conditions, make a person released after serving his sentence is able to return to society as much as possible in the best conditions.

In the field of comparative penology, Nordic countries -- Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, are often placed as the rules of the world. Prison system in the United States is more punitive, simple and strict. It is also make offenders keen to tough against crime. As a beacon of humanitarian, the Nordic countries seem to resist this trend, they aim to lead the global trend of the development of prison. They provide a decent living conditions to make offenders more like to participate in an education or vocational training project, after the release of life to prepare.

The "reshaping" system of Swedish prison is famous. The prisoners must take part in some form of "project", such as study or work. They can get money as subsidies. It is good for the physical and mental health of prisoners. Learning the skills and knowledge in prison can help them to start a new life after lay the foundation. In general, they have experienced teacher to as professor. Since most of the prisoners did not finish school education, most of the prison can finish their primary and secondary school curriculum for learning. It even provide offenders opportunity to study the university course.

Through Labour cooperation, offenders can receive vocational education under the employment agencies help. The prisoner also can attend knowledge training. The Swedish prison using more modern means to improve their education system at present. In addition to study and work, the inmates must also attend daily cleaning. In recent years, the prison management researchers the responsibilities of the restore process among one or several prisoners are divide. Their work include help prisoners make a short-term plan, and cooperate to government agencies in order to help inmates and so on. Through this way to makes manager more close to the prisoner, thus affecting the prisoner to better "restore".

Prison has a store, but it is only a general commodity. There are a room that people can see their relatives and friends alone here. Many prisons have guest room, so that the their family members can live on for a day or two. In Swedish prison, offenders can freely to send mail and call others. If make people feel unfairly treated in prison, they can complain to the Swedish parliamentary ombudsman. Ombudsman is a specific investigation, and they will handle the opinion to the relevant government agencies. If they are not satisfied with the result of the complaint handling, they can prosecute at Swedish administrative court. Inmates can out of the prison in the case of approval for short-term opportunity in order to verify whether he still be harmful to the society. Inmates can also has short-term holiday because of some special reason. In order to help the prisoner to adapt to the society, the prisoner was allowed to go out to participate in study, work or other special events. This provision is mainly used for the young prisoners. Activities are conducted in the case of being watched.

In the United State, punishment is not a last resort, but only part of the national welfare system. The original and socialized prison like a glove, wear in generosity and ambitious control the hands of the welfare state system. Restorative justice is a prospective prevention and response, trying to understand the social background of crime.

Restorative justice is about the treatment of the wounds of the victim, restore offender to obey the law of life, and repair the damage to relationships and communities. According to Lawrence W Sherman and Heather Strang (2007), restorative justice claims compensation for victims of criminal, rather than by the state for retaliation, continue and the cycle of escalating violence. It tries to restore relationship, to stop the violence.

The victim has played a positive role in this process. At the same time, the criminals are encouraged to take responsibility for their own behavior. In addition, the method of restorative justice aims to help offenders, in order to avoid future crimes. Restorative justiceis foster dialogue between victims and criminals showed the highest rate of satisfaction.

According to Howard hazel, the guidance of restorative justice is different from the traditional criminal justice. In restorative justice, the core is who is hurt? What are their needs? Who are these responsibilities? What are the reasons? Who has a stake? What is the proper process involving stakeholders in order to solve the reason and do the right thing?

For offenders, restorative justice can help them investigate for responsibility. It is also provide them opportunity to make things become more clearly, and to develop empathy and responsibility of offenders. It is helpful to improve the relationship with the community members, strengthen the relationship between people, and reduce the fear of crime.

Crime is a violation of people and relationships, and violations create obligation. In order to make the things right, all the people need to work on. The needs of victim should to pay attention and the offender has responsibility to repair harm.

In the United States, the basic rights of prisoners can not be guaranteed, the basic rights of prisoners is not security. At the same time, discrimination phenomenon is very common, some terrorists and Iraqi prisoner even suffer abuse. The frequency of crime is increasing, the social environment become confusion. In a word, The change is very necessary. The legal system of Sweden can give us some suggestion to improve ourselves.

In conclusion, replace punishment with reconciliation is necessary. Reconciliation can help offender more quickly to adapt the social.


"A New Kind of Criminal Justice", Parade, October 25, 2009, p. 6.

Lawrence W Sherman & Heather Strang (2007)."Restorative Justice: The Evidence" (PDF). University of Pennsylvania.

Peggy Hutchison and Harmon Wray. "What is Restorative Justice?" (New World Outlook, 1999).

Price, Marty (2000). "Personalizing Crime".Dispute Resolution Magazine 7 (1): 8–11.

The Swedish prison system

Zehr, Howard. Changing Lenses – A New Focus for Crime and Justice. Scottdale PA: 2005 (3rd ed), 271.



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