
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- No cosmetic surgery,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了整容的问题。在很多人看来,整容是毫无意义的。而且从某种角度来说,这也是骗人的。一般来说,整容手术是非常痛苦的,有的甚至还要削掉骨头,风险性是非常大的。而且,整容一般来说还是能被看出来的,所以一个年轻人不应该做整容手术。

cosmetic surgery,整容,英国代写,英国论文代写,essay代写

In my opinion, teen should not be allowed to get cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is painful, pointless, and fraudulent. There are a lot of kinds of cosmetic surgery, and most of them are very painful. And these days it is very easy to tell if someone got cosmetic surgery just by looking at him/her, it become pointless if everyone knows. And it is fraudulent as well as really painful.

First, cosmetic surgery is painful. Most of them are performed with operation. Think of that, I even heard that some cosmetic surgeries need to shave off the bones just to getting a ‘better’ shape. I couldn’t imagine the pain such operation would bring with. And all these operations are operated without reasons. It is not like lifesaving operation which is necessary. And these kinds of operations are usually very dangerous, it has a high possibility to fail or the person who is operated on may even die. It is because this kind of operation is not designed for lifesaving operation so it doesn’t ensure the safety.

Secondly, cosmetic surgery is meaningless, especially when it comes to teens. By the age 13 to 17, human’s body is still under the progress of growing. So, it is very possible to become a different looking only after a few years. Also, most of the cosmetic surgery won’t last very long. For example, some plastic surgeries like the hyaluronic acid injections can only last for one year; the longest may last no longer than 10 years. After that you need to take it out form your body.  So that this kind of surgery is pointless because it is temporary, the “beauty” you get won’t last for long. By the way these days since cosmetic surgery become so popular it is very easy to tell if you got any cosmetic surgery.

Finally cosmetic surgery is fraudulent. Cosmetic surgery is a way to lie about how you really look. Cosmetic surgery is just a way to lie about how you actually look. Whoever did cosmetic surgery might look more beautiful from the outside, but their inside had already failed as they lied. 

A young man should not do cosmetic surgery, and even when they get older cosmetic surgery is still not recommended.



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