下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The Fall of Roman Empire,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了罗马帝国的衰落。历史上,罗马帝国的衰落不是一个人造成的,而是由很多原因引起的。首先,罗马帝国残酷的奴役制导致了一系列的奴隶起义。其次,罗马帝国对被征服的土地没有建立有效的统治。最后,野蛮人的入侵无疑加速了罗马帝国的衰落,是导致罗马帝国灭亡的直接原因。
In 476 when the Emperor Romulus was deposed, it was regarded as the fall of Roman Empire. But although it falls, its system keeps influencing a lot of countries. The fall of Roman Empire is not caused by one individual but a lot of factors.
The cruel slavery causes a series of uprising of slaves. When slavery was not good for economic development, the ruling class still stubbornly defended slavery. In 78 AD, there was the Spartacus uprising in Rome. Later more and more uprising began. It completely shook the foundation of the rule of this huge empire.
The Roman Empire has not established effective rule in the occupied region. Rome had a loose control on the conquered land. The various provinces within the Empire were semi-autonomous, with their own leaders, parliaments, capitals and armies. With a great deal of autonomy, it has resulted in the absence of a unified socio-economic system within the empire.
The invasion of the barbarians accelerated the decline of the Roman Empire and became a direct cause of the demise of the Empire. With the intensification of the internal contradictions of the empire, the powerful barbarians began to invade the empire. For example, the Goths defeated the Romans in Serbia. In 410, the Goths crossed the Alps, and invaded the Roman city. And there were also invasion from Vandals, and the German.
Although the Roman Empire falls, its system still influences a lot of countries. Roman law is the most developed in the slavery society and the most complete legal system at that time. In the conquest of the region, Roman ruling class also spread and enforces the Roman law. And the rulers of many countries in order to safeguard their own interests also actively adopt the Roman law. In addition, in order to promote the development of the slavery economy, Roman law is to protect the private ownership of the means of production. So it is also a source of the modern European capitalist legal system, such as the jury system, the lawyer system, or the principle of litigation. They provide forms for the later adjustment and protection of private economic relations, especially commodity economic relations in capitalist society.
To sum up, the fall of Roman Empire is caused by a lot of reasons: the failure to deal with the conflicts between the slave owners and slaves and ineffective ruling in its conquered land, and the invasion of other tribes. And although it falls, its system does not fall.
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