
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Virginia Woolfs Professions for Women,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的《女性职业》。我们知道,在历史上,妇女在事业上取得成功时面临着各种各样的困难。而且存在着这样或那样的阻碍女性职业发展的障碍。在这种情况下,弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫写了一篇名为《女性的职业》的文章,表达了女性在追求职业时不应该受到社会压力的限制的观点。伍尔夫通过这篇文章,旨在鼓励女性忽略社会对她们的限制,成为她们想成为的人,做她们想做的事。

It is known to us that women have been confronted with various difficulties in achieving success in their careers over history. And there are barriers of one kind or another that impede professions for women. In this circumstance, Virginia Woolf has composed an article titled Professions for Women to deliver the view that women should not feel restricted in pursuing a career by societal pressures. Through this article, Woolf aims to encourage women to ignore the limits society sets on them and be who they wish to be and do what they desire, during which rhetorical devices like alliteration, symbolism and repetition have been used in order for better illustration.

Firstly, the sentence that “I have to admit that instead of spending that sum upon bread and butter, rent, shoes and stockings, or butcher’s bills,...” (Genius Media Group Inc. 2018) is the use of alliteration to portray that women cannot use money on a series of products at all. Here the “bread and butter” are the use of alliteration and these products are too extravagant for women because they are better to spend money on paper or cat.

Secondly, the sentence that “And while I was writing this review, I discovered that if I were going to review books I should need to do battle with a certain phantom.” (Genius Media Group Inc. 2018) is the use of symbolism. Here the “phantom” symbolizes the difficulty that faced by women if they would like to be a writer. And women have to kill this phantom in order to successfully become a writer in the end.

Thirdly, the sentence that “Outwardly, what is simpler than to write books? Outwardly, what obstacles are there for a woman rather than for a man” (Genius Media Group Inc. 2018) uses repetition to point out that unequal treatment is faced by women and men. In this way, Woolf would like to motivate women to bravely fight for their own self and do as they like.


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