Research Proposal,就是开题报告。可能同学们会有疑惑,为什么不直接写论文呢?干嘛要浪费时间去写Research Proposal。原因就在于先写Research Proposal,然后再写论文的话能事半功倍。那么Research Proposal的写作结构是怎样的呢?下面就给大家讲解一下。
目录(Tables and Appendixes)
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Research Proposal例文
以上就是一篇Research Proposal的基本写作结构了,下面为大家带来一篇Research Proposal例文
This research proposal suggests research on how the level of self-disclosure effects the degree of relationship satisfaction.
Review of Literature:
Guerrero & Afifi (1995) conducted a study to examine topic avoidance and self-disclosure in family relationships. They found that males reported avoiding discussion of relationship issues more than females did. As Martin&Anderson(1995)sought to examine the motives behind self-disclosure in father-young adult relationships and the resulting level of relationship satisfaction, their study found that young adults seem to model their self-disclosure after their fathers' self-disclosure. Pegalis, Shaffer, Bazzini, & Greenier (1994) examined the generality of the opener effect to males and females across different situational contexts. They found that both genders disclosed more and longer to high openers than to low openers across the different contexts, Leaper, Carson, Baker, Holliday, & Myers (1995) used both same- and opposite-sex dyads in order to examine the relationship between listener verbal support and self-disclosure among friends. They found that females tended to be more responsive and supportive than males during discussions in both same- and cross-gender friendships. However, it was also found that men made more disclosing comments than did women, indicating that it is possible for males to disclose as much as females. They also found that imbalances in self-disclosure and verbal support are related to relationship dissatisfaction.
Drawing on these findings, it could be possible to anticipate that individuals who have similar patterns of self-disclosure would have higher degrees of relationship satisfaction. Continued research may further explore what other factors affect the degree of relationship satisfaction.
Research Question:
What effect does the level of self-disclosure have on the degree of relationship satisfaction?
Individuals who experience similar levels of self-disclosure will be more likely to have higher degrees of relationship satisfaction.
In congruence with the previous study conducted by Martin & Anderson (I 995), a design involving approximately 200 undergraduate students, I 00 male and I 00 female will be used. They will complete questionnaires consisting of measures of self-disclosure and communication satisfaction. They will also be given a questionnaire to have their significant others complete. This questionnaire will include the same measures. Participants will be informed that this research study focuses on self-disclosure and levels of relationship satisfaction, participation is voluntary, and their responses will be kept confidential. A self-addressed envelope will be enclosed to assist in confidentiality.
Participants will complete the Self-Disclosure Scale (SDS) and the Communication Satisfaction Scale (CSS). Their responses will be compared with those of their partner's in order to assess the similarities between the pair's levels of self-disclosure to each other and their degree of relationship satisfaction.
Participants will also be given a second questionnaire, which will ask them to assess what they believe to be their partners' level of self-disclosure and degree of relationship satisfaction. These responses will also be compared to examine whether individuals' self-reports of their levels of disclosure and satisfaction match up with what their partners believe their levels to be.
In response to the study done by Martin & Anderson (I 995), it should become clear that the amount of self-disclosure that occurs between individuals affects the relational satisfaction that is felt by both parties. Leaper et al. (1995) found that imbalances in self-disclosure and verbal support are related to relationship dissatisfaction. This would seem to indicate that the opposite would be true, as well. So, it may be found that individuals who experience similar levels of self-disclosure will have higher degrees of relationship satisfaction.
A possible problem using the methods chosen is that self-report may not be entirely accurate. People may not truthfully portray their levels of self-disclosure and relational satisfaction. However, through the use of confidentiality and the second questionnaire that asks the partners to assess each other's levels, it is hoped that the potential for this problem may be decreased.
Guerrero, L., & Afifi, W. (Summer 1995). Some things are better left unsaid: Topic avoidance in family relationships. Communication Quarterly, 43, 276-296.
Leaper, C., Carson, M., Baker, C., Holliday, H., & Myers, S. (1995). Self-disclosure and listener verbal support in same-gender and cross-gender friends' conversations. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 33. 3 8 7-405.
Martin, M., & Anderson, M- (Spring 1995). The father-young adult relationship: Interpersonal motives, self-disclosure, and satisfaction. Communication Quarterly, 43, 119-130.
Pegalis, L., Shaffer, D., Bazzini, D., & Greenier, K. (1994). On the ability to elicit self disclosure: Are there gender-based and contextual limitations on the opener effect? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 20, 412-420.
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