
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- High school English reading comprehension,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了高中英语阅读理解。阅读是英语教学、听觉、口语和写作方面的重要技能,是获取信息的有效途径。良好的阅读能力有助于提高其他外语技能。在高中的英语教学中,完成阅读理解任务对学生的英语阅读成绩有一定的提升。

English reading,英语阅读,英国代写,英国论文代写,essay代写

In this chapter, at first the research background was introduced in detail. Then the research significance was introduced from two perspectives, including the academic significance and the practical significance. The structure of the thesis was introduced in the last part of the chapter 1.

English is an important international language and plays a fundamental role in foreign language teaching and learning in China. Reading is a vital skill in English teaching and learning as well as listening, speaking and writing. Reading is an effective way to gain information. Good reading ability contributes to improve other foreign language skills. According to the requirement of National Matriculation English Test (NMET), reading comprehension contains two sections and takes 40 scores in the whole test paper. Therefore, it becomes very important for the senior high school teachers and students. According to the New Curriculum Requirements (2012), there are three levels on the senior high school English. They are the level 7, the level 8 and the level 9. The detail requirements of the English reading comprehension on the level 7 in the New Curriculum Requirements (2012) are that the students should obtain the main information from articles, understand the main ideas and intention, extract, filter, and reorganize information in simple articles, understand the article by using contextual clues, appreciate the classic English Poetry, and read 300,000 words except the text book.

The detail requirements of the English reading comprehension on the level 8 in the New Curriculum Requirements (2012) are that the students should understand different views and attitude in the text, identify the characteristics of different styles, understand the long difficult sentences by analyzing the structure of the sentences, appreciate some literary works with the help of their teachers, get useful information from the Internet according to the reading tasks, and read 360,000 words except the text book. The detail requirements of the English reading comprehension on the level 9 in the New Curriculum Requirements (2012) are that the students should read English newspapers and magazines and get the main information, read the original English works, seize the main plot and understand the main characters, understand all kinds of product specifications and other non-professional technical materials, guess unfamiliar language phenomenon according to the situation and context, solve more complex language difficulties by using a variety of Reference materials and tool books, extensive reading interest and good reading habits, obtain and process information by using the network and other medias.

As an initial attempt to study on the expertise reversal effect in English reading comprehension of the senior high school students under the guidance of the redundancy principle, and the explanation about the expertise reversal effect from the cognitive load perspective, these research findings may have theoretical significance and practical significance in English reading comprehension instruction and learning. Theoretically speaking, the research may provide the empirical studies on the expertise reversal effect and enrich the existing cognitive load theory. From the point of the expertise reversal effect, instructional techniques that are highly effective with the low level students can lose their effectiveness and even have negative consequences when used with the high level students (Kalyuga et al., 2003). That is to say, when the English reading comprehension learning tasks are designed, selected, and sequenced by teachers, the different students’ current levels of knowledge and experiences in some specific domains need to be carefully considered. In English reading lesson, the teachers can use appropriate instructional methods and activities according to their students’ levels. It is of great significance for developing adaptive English reading comprehension learning based on the different students’ current levels. The author hopes this thesis will be helpful to provide the empirical studies on the expertise reversal effect.

This chapter began with the relevant concepts of the expertise reversal effect. Then, the theoretical bases of the expertise reversal effect were introduced respectively, including the cognitive load theory and the zone of proximal development theory. Finally, the previous empirical studies on the expertise reversal effect abroad and at home were reviewed and the limitation of previous researches were introduced briefly.

It was necessary to make clear the relevant concepts to get a better understanding of the expertise reversal effect in English reading comprehension. Thus, in this part, several relevant concepts were presented, including reading, redundancy, expertise and the expertise reversal effect. From a social-cognitive perspective, reading is a complex cognitive process. It is a process of combining textual information with the information a reader brings to a text (Widdowson, 1997). In other words, reading comprehension is an interaction between the writer’s message and the reader’s prior background knowledge or experiences. The working memory and the long-term memory are especially important in reading comprehension learning. While cognitive load refers to the total amount of mental activity imposed on the working memory at an instance in time (Cooper et al., 2001). The author believed that reading is a direct effective way to gain information. Good reading ability contributes to improve other foreign language skills.

In this part, the theoretical bases of the expertise reversal effect were introduced respectively, including the cognitive load theory and the zone of proximal development theory. The cognitive load theory is an influential theory in the area of the teaching design. The cognitive load theory is based on the supposition that the human cognitive architecture including the long-term memory and the working memory (Sweller et al. 1998; Paas et al. 2010). Sweller et al. (2005) assumed that the long-term memory storage is very huge, and all information being stored there had been acquired by the organism to cognitively adapt to the environment. Sweller et al. (2005) also pointed out that the working memory has two main limitations when dealing with the new information received from the sensory memory. Firstly, Cowan (2001) found that the working memory is only capable of processing 2-5 elements simultaneously. Secondly, Peterson et al. (1959) showed that the duration of the working memory is constrained to 20-30 seconds without rehearsal. The cognitive load theory attaches particular importance to learning, understood as the schema construction and automation. The schema is a cognitive construct that organizes the elements of information to store them in the long-term memory. Schemata serve to allocate mechanisms for the organization of knowledge and their storage. They reduce the cognitive load, because the schema is a single entity in the working memory, but can include a great deal of information.

The results and discussion of the research were reported in the chapter 4 in the form of figures and tables and analyzed by the SPSS 18.0, including the pretest, the post-test and the questionnaire in the experiment. The last part of the chapter 4 was the general discussion about two research questions.

First of all, the material of the pretest in this research was discussed in this part. The English reading comprehension test was used in the pretest to examine the reading comprehension proficiency of these participants. In order to ensure the reliability and validity of the English reading comprehension test, the NMET test paper was chosen as the source of the English reading comprehension material, as the NMET is one of the standardized national tests that could examine senior high school students’ English proficiency comprehensively. Its English reading comprehension materials must be carefully selected with their difficulty strictly controlled. Therefore, choosing English reading comprehension materials from the NMET test papers can secure reliability and validity of the English reading comprehension test. To ensure the validity, all the items in the paper were from the NMET tests, including four passages and 15 multiple choice questions. The total score were 30, which were calculated strictly following the rating scale. Then the 400 students selected from 6 natural parallel classes in the No.3 middle school of the Yining city in Xinjiang had a pretest with the reading comprehension part of the NMET test paper of 2016. According to the performance scores, the top 120 of students were assigned as the high level students. The reciprocal 120 students were assigned as the low level students. That is to say, the number of the low level group students was 120, and the number of the high level group students was also 120. A pretest was conducted and the scores were collected. After the analysis by SPSS 18.0, statistical descriptions were clearly shown as follows in Table 4-1.


In this chapter, the major findings, the pedagogical implications, the limitations of the research and the suggestions for the future research were summarized according to the research results and discussion in the previous chapter. The present study examined the expertise reversal effect in English reading comprehension of high school students under the guidance of the redundancy principle, and explored the reasons for the expertise reversal effect from the cognitive load perspective. The findings were listed as follows. The first finding was that there were different performances between the high level students and the low level students in the senior high school English reading comprehension in three different vocabulary redundancy conditions.

According to the research statistical analysis of English reading performance by Pearson-product-moment coefficient correlation, the general conclusion can be reached that there indeed exists a relatively significant between the high level students and the low level students. The second finding was that there was the expertise reversal effect in this experiment. According to the results of the previous chapter, for the low level students, the high-redundancy vocabulary strategy brought better performance than the low-redundancy strategy in English reading comprehension, but for the high level students, this strategy brought worse performance than the low-redundancy strategy. In other words, the high-redundancy vocabulary strategy was effective for the low level students, but it caused negative consequences for the high level students. The third finding was that there was a significant and negative correlation between the cognitive load in finishing the reading comprehension tasks and the students’ English reading performance. The subjects reported the lower cognitive load and performed better in the reading comprehension test while the students who reported the higher cognitive load performed worse. In other words, for the low level students, the high vocabulary redundancy enhanced the germane cognitive load to reduce the difficulty in English reading comprehension and improved the reading scores, but for the high level students, the high-redundancy vocabulary strategy enhanced the extraneous cognitive load, which led to the decline of scores in English reading comprehension.



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