下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The application of communicative method in English vocabulary teaching,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了交际法在英语词汇教学中的应用。交际语言教学(CLT)是外语或语言教学的一种方法,强调语言教学的目标是沟通能力。词汇是英语学习中最重要的部分之一,但在学生英语词汇学习中,有很多问题导致了英语的负面学习。而在CLT的帮助下,可以提高学生对词汇的使用能力。
From the perspective of language, language is a bridge of communication between people and a channel for people to express their thoughts; it plays an important role in people’s communication. Vocabulary is the most basic element of a language and is indispensable to a sentence. Thus, when we learn a foreign language, if the amount of vocabulary the learner has is limited, all the reading, writing and oral expression will be inadequate and not clear, and the expression will also be powerless to express thoughts. On the contrary, if the amount of vocabulary the learner has is rich and he knows how to use the vocabulary in the specific communicative situation, it can be seen obviously that the learner’s language ability is strong and in a high level. However in China, for many years, communicating with other people in English is a weak point compared with written English. Related studies have shown that the current situations in most senior high schools are still exam-oriented education. English teaching has put great importance on teaching the linguistic knowledge and has nearly forgotten that English is also a language, whose most essential function is a communication tool. In addition, for most senior high schools in China, the teachers are placed in the dominant position in the teaching procedures. Teachers give the meanings of the vocabulary by the traditional method while students’ activities are often get more involved in linguistic analysis than practice to use the vocabulary for conversation and they have small chances to practice with other students by using the new vocabularies they learn. As time passes, students will be bored with learning vocabulary and they will regard memorizing vocabularies as a burden, finally they can not learn English well in or after class. What’s more, they will gradually lose their interests and lack of the effective strategies in learning English.
As previously mentioned, vocabulary is one of the most important parts in English learning, but in the students’ English vocabulary learning at senior high schools, there are many issues that give rise to their negative learning of English. Students’ interests and academic achievement will be decreased gradually when they are under heavy burden and lack of effective learning strategies. Undoubtedly, effective teaching method is a resolution to these problems. Students’ proficiency and interests can be different with different teaching methods the teachers adopting in class. For the teachers who use the effective method in teaching and penetrate or introduce some learning strategies appropriately, their students will be more active in learning and master more effective learning strategies which are all good for their further studies. In the present research, CLT is taken into the English vocabulary teaching in senior high school with three purposes. The first one is to check whether the CLT can help students improve their vocabulary proficiency, the second one is to look into whether students’ interests can be aroused after they were taught by CLT; the last one is whether the process of CLT can make a positive influence on vocabulary learning strategies.
In this chapter, the related research achievements about CLT and vocabulary would be introduced at great length. Then some theoretical foundations and principles are also explained for the better understanding of CLT.
The Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is an approach to foreign or second language teaching which emphasizes that the goal of language teaching is communicative competence. The CLT has been developed particularly by British applied linguists as a reaction away from grammar-based approaches. Teaching materials adopted with the CLT often teach the target language with the aim of expressing and understanding different kinds of functions, such as requesting, describing, expressing ideas. The CLT follows a notional syllabus and a functional syllabus and put emphasizes on the processes of using language appropriately indifferent kinds of tasks (Shu, 2005).Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics regards CLT as: “an approach to foreign or second language teaching which emphasizes that the goal of language learning is communicative competence and which seeks to make meaningful communication and language use a focus of all classrooms” (Rechards,2012:115).Little wood (1981) pays systematic attention to functional as well as structural aspects of language; that is to say when we teach a language, it not only teaches form sand rules of the language but also considers how to use the forms and rules in the right place and at the right time. In 1984, he also suggests that in the procedure of CLT, language teachers should take the setting of language targets, the goal of a syllabus, the learning materials, the ingenuity and implementation of classroom activities and the assessment of learners’ progress into consideration.
The book named Language in Culture and Society presents the view that a person who wants to speak out with his native language that he should not only master the method of accepting and generating the language in an appropriate way but also has to know the situation to express with the language (Hymes, 1964). In other words, it means that it is essential for a learner to know both the rules of the language and the social rules to use the language. Hymes proposes that the speakers not only possess the competence of generating grammatical sentence, but also know what they should say and how they should say. That is to say, speakers know language grammar rule and language social principles. British linguistic Wlikins (1976) defines language from the perspective of its function and communication which has laid the foundation for the communicative syllabus. In his definition, it makes a systematically description about the real meaning of language communication from the angle of grammar and vocabulary, that is the paper latterly widely known in the world language teaching “Notional Syllabuses” which published in 1976.Tarvin and Al-arishi (1991) discuss three types of CLT activities which could encourage reflection: task-oriented, process-oriented, and synthesis-oriented. The conclusion is that more activities centered on reflective thinking should be incorporated in foreign language classrooms to supplement the phenomenally and intuitively oriented activities.CLT is an approach characterized by a core set of theories and beliefs about the nature of language, of language learning, and a derived set of principles for teaching a language (Richards and Rodgers, 2001).
In the chapter above, the experiment on account of the theory of CLT has been carried through. In this chapter, the data collected from the questionnaires, tests and interview would be presented and further analyzed with the help of SPSS.19.0.
At the very start of the experiment, the pre-test is proceeded to find whether the chosen groups are under the same level in EC and CC. The results are listed in the tables below. As is shown in the table 4.1, it can be seen that the mean of EC is 31.81, the mean of CC is 30.37 and the Std. Deviation of these two classes are similar, an presentative feeling can be had that the EC’s average grade is nearly the same as the average grade of CC, it can be probably said that the proficiency level of EC and CC before the experiment are the same. To make sure the accuracy of this conclusion, the Independent Samples Test is carried out to prove it. A T-test for the independent sample is carried through to bespeak whether the EC and CC have much variety of significant. As it can be seen from the table 4.2, the value of Sig. tells 0.92 (t (80) =1.80, p > 0.05), which can indicate that there is no significant difference between EC and CC before the experiment. In other words, it can be determined that the students’ vocabulary proficiency is under the same level in EC and CC according to the pre-test, which can guarantee rationality for the experiment.
In this chapter, the major findings, limitations, and implications of the CLT will be presented, and some suggestions are also showed in order to help the CLT play a greater role for the further study. Comparative experiments are conducted on the instructive significance of communicative language teaching based on the present situation of English vocabulary teaching in senior high school. Discussions of how to teach vocabulary from the aspect of using the vocabulary effectively and reasonably under the guidance of CLT are made after synthesizing the actual situation of teaching in EC and CC. Through the analysis of the experimental data above, it can be concluded that to some extent, communicative language teaching can smooth out some gaps in traditional teaching method. First of all, according to the comparison of the questionnaires collected from the EC and CC before and after the experiment, a conclusion can be drawn that students in EC become more interested in vocabulary learning. What’s more, the interview in EC can also prove the conclusion above. Most of the interviewed students said that they could feel a relaxed atmosphere in the new method teaching class which also provides them more opportunity to express themselves and participate in the class. They are interested in the activities organized by their teacher, in which the students have less anxiety and are more interested. It can be seen that, in EC, the students are more positive and their interests have been improved after they were taught by CLT.