下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- China energy policy,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了中国能源政策。由于中国人口14亿,经济快速增长,所以对能源的需求非常大。但能源储备有限,为了确保其能源安全,中国必须从外界进口大量的石油,天然气等原料,渴望开拓东南,南海的新储备。
It is not a useful characterisation for China. It seems that China is trying to use everything to reach its goals and pursue a dominating approach from China to international resources. But it could be a misrepresentation of China’s position. China has a huge demand of energy because of its 1.4 billion populations and rapid growth of economy, but the reserves are limited. To ensure its energy security, China has to import a great amount of oil, gas and other raw materials from the outside world and eager to explore the new reserves in East and South China Sea. At the same time, China also suffered in the pollutions that caused by the overuse of dirty powers. To deal with that, Chinese government put “against environment pollution” into the 12th Five-year Plan and spent a lot of money to research and develop the renewable energies.
This paper will explain China’s energy dilemma and argue that China’s “going out policy” is not for dominate the world but just ensure its energy security.
China has a huge demand of energy because of the population and economic development. Coal is the most used fossil fuel in China because its great domestic reserves, but it also caused the environmental damage. China needs more oil and gas to face its economic demand and replace the overused coal. China invest in central Asia to build the pipeline, build up the infrastructure in Africa to exchange the raw materials and explore the gas/oil field in East and South China Sea which caused some conflict in this area.
Define the neo-colonialism and FDI to demonstrate that China’s investment in Africa and South America is common commercial behavior like other multinational companies but not neo-colonialism.
As the development of economic globalization, countries rely on each other more than before. Developing countries export their raw materials to get the FDI and foreign exchange reserve is a kind of free trade that should not be blamed.
Country’s economic and technology aids always served to its political and economic purpose which is not striking news any more. US, Japan and EU has done it for decades of years. China’s free aids in Africa and South America should not be blamed and accused as the conspiracy.
eg. China invested billions of dollars in Libya to exchange their resources. But US instigate the civil war and controlled the resources through the new government. Compared with China’s long-term investment which has been lost in the civil war, US’ military actions seems more efficient.
China’s claim on East and South China Sea seems too ambitious, but it is not the only country who claimed on this area. Countries in East and Southeast Asia fight for this area for the oil and gas field. Other countries such as Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia also claimed on it for each other. If one day Vietnam and Philippines have a conflict in this area will not impossible.
The great reserve of gas and oil in South China Sea can provide a lot of support for China’s economic development that China cannot lost this valuable resources. China import over 70% of oil and most of the oil ships are go through this area. US’ military bases around this area is a great threat to China that once they cut the ship lane in South and East China Sea, that would be a disaster for China’s energy security. So China cannot lose its control to this area.
Countries even start war for energy, the Iraq war is an example. But China does not want to provoke any conflicts in this area and insist to negotiate with other countries. “Lay the disputes aside and seeking & joint development” policy is China’s choice.
China faced a great challenge for its energy security, but China’s current energy policy is not just exploring the energy from outside world as much as possible. On the other hand, China also made a lot of effort to develop the clean energy and deal with the pollution problem. If these policies works, it will reduce China’s reliance on import gas and oil.
Put “against environment pollution” into the 12th Five-year Plan and look at sustainability.
“Clean energy policy”: use more gas rather than coal and rebuild the inefficient coal ovens.
Develop nuclear energy and renewable energy.
The local government also has to meet the environment target not only economic and employment target like before.
Government subsidies rewards to the company who can reduce their emission.
Sign landmark agreement about carbon emission reduction and work with international community to deal with the climate change issues.
If China’s energy policy is not that different from others, why China threat theory so popular and who create it? Actually, describe China as a greedy monster is a political rhetoric to persuade countries to do business with them rather than China. It is a geopolitics problem.
As the only super power, US is the only country that can play chess through the world that remain its hegemony and ensure its energy security is the policy priority. When US involved in the Iraq war in Middle East, China invest great amount of money in Africa to exchange the raw material and even spread the tentacles into South America which is the traditional back yard of US. US’ “return to Asia-Pacific Strategy” is the evidence.
Japan also hunger for resource but lack of reservation. It relies too much on import and also invests in Africa to balance China. The Diaoyu Island dispute is the evidence. Make China looks bad is good benefit its foreign policy so Japan also the supporter of the China threat theory.
China’s going out policy seems ambitious, but it is just an inevitable choice for a big economic entity. EU build up pipelines from East Europe, US and Japan also invest in Africa and South America and the conflicts caused by energy in Middle East was a long story. China is not a greedy monster who wants to put everything into its pocket, but just to ensure its energy security and support of economic growth.