
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Business tourism,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了商务旅游。从广义上来说,商务旅游可以分为几类,如个人出差,企业会议,培训计划,联席会议,奖励旅游等,在当今世界,商务旅游一直在商业和经济中发挥越来越重要的作用。商业旅游一直是许多地方的主要收入来源,许多国家都投入了大量资金改善基础设施。但商业旅游也是一个波动的业务。不仅受到人口,气候等社会因素的影响,还受到经济,文化等因素的影响。

Business tourism is concerned with people who are travelling for the purpose of business or their work (Bhatia, 2007). Broadly speaking, business tourism can be divided into several categories, such as individual business trips, corporate conferences, a training program, associate meetings, and incentive travel, etc. in today’s world, business travel has been playing a more and more important part in business and economy. But anyway, to choose the right business tourism destination is of most significance. In fact, business tourism has been the major source of earnings for many destinations. And many countries have put in a large amount of money in improving the infrastructures.

Business tourism is a volatile business. Not only is it subject to some social factors such as demographic, climate, but also, it is influenced by the economy, culture and other factors (Hall & Lew, 2009).

1. Social factors

(1)Demographic factors.

A lot of surveys have been carried out in relation to the demographic factors and the success of a business tourism destination. Results show that people living in the urban area who are well educated tend to have a more positive attitude towards business tourism (Buhallis & Costa& Ford, 2012). Since they are well educated, it’s easier for them to find themselves employment, which is often accompanied by high income. What’s more, all these will for sure entitle them a higher social status, which is the most important factor in this part. To my knowledge, Hong Kong is such a city as attached most importance to education that most of its citizens are highly educated. And since the industry in Hong Kong develops so fast, unemployment has become less and less in recent years. Besides, being one in a people-oriented city, citizens must have a very positive attitude towards business tourism in Hong Kong.

(2)Climate factors.

To make a successful business tourism destination, the place must have a wild climate, since business tourism and destination is particularly sensitive to climate changes and viability. The climate plays an important part in deciding the length and quality of business tourism and making a destination choice and making profits from tourism spending (Cerina & Markandya & Mcaleer, 2010). So we can see from here

that the climate factor is of vital importance. Business tourism is one sort of travel for business purpose. But it does not necessarily come with only business, tourism plays an important part in it. When people finish holding a conference in Hong Kong, they can go to places of interest for relax; also, for women tourists, they can go shopping in a wide range of malls in Hong Kong, which is known as the paradise of shopping in the world, since fashion clothes and cosmetics are both much cheaper than many other places in the world. Besides, the clean environment in Hong Kong also contributes to its success as a business tourism destination. So to sum up, Hong Kong is for sure a successful business tourism destination since it enjoys wild climate, beautiful scenery and clean environment.

2. Economic factors

(1)Economic development

Business tourism is concerned with people who are travelling for a business    purpose in the hope of both business and relaxation. Relaxation is mainly discussed in terms of social factors and cultural factors, whereas business in terms of economic factors. Advanced economic development plays an important part in making a successful business tourism destination (Dwyer & Forsyth & Dwyer, 2010), since people don’t go there only for business meetings, conferences or training. They prefer to go there if there are some underlying opportunities for them, because they are all business people, and business makes up the most important part in their life. Business should come first under any circumstances in their life. As far as I am concerned, Hong Kong has been enjoying a prosperous economy for many years, and is an important indicator of world economy. Each year, billions of capital is invested into this city and numerous employments are offered. Most importantly, a wide range of business opportunities are discovered by businessmen all through the world. So there is no doubt that Hong Kong should be a successful business tourism destination.

(2)Hotel and traffic

As a developed city that enjoys rapidly increasing economy, Hong Kong has always been the lead in infrastructure construction and hotel management. These two factors are very important to the success of business tourism in that they function as the basis, which otherwise would make tourists feel uncomfortable. In other words, people don’t come for perfect hotels and smooth traffic, but they won’t come if the situation is the opposite.

(3)Currency and exchange rates

Currency and exchange rates are the most important indicators of an economy. Without the currency and exchange rates being stable, the economy must be volatile. For example, if the exchange rates go up and down, people have no routine to follow. They will be worried about their currency and the exchange rates all the time, which makes them spend less time on their business. Another point is that if the exchange rates change all the time, it may bring about the economic downturn.  Judging from what I have mentioned before, the economic downturn must be very bad to a successful business tourism because many businessmen come not only for business travel or business conferences but also they want new business opportunities. If the local economy is experiencing a downturn, there would be rare chance of opportunities. For Hong Kong, as I’ve mentioned before, it has been enjoying a prosperous economy for several years, with both its currency and exchange rates very steady. Businessmen travelling to Hong Kong have no need to worry about the situation of local economy. This contributes a lot to making Hong Kong a successful business tourism destination.

(4)Financial crisis

Financial crisis is so destructive that it can ruin the local economy at once, which does great damage to business tourism. A place suffering from financial crisis will make businessmen feel anxious, for it’s hard for them to predict what is going on the next day. No one would like it in this way, let alone businessmen, who always plan everything in detail and in advance. Luckily, Hong Kong is experiencing a healthy, steady and increasing economy without financial crisis. Most importantly, Hong Kong has such developed economy that even financial crisis occurs; it has certain organism to protect itself. The sound system for the economy really helps a lot (Kozak, 2009).

3. Cultural factors

Not only the economy and climate are important for making a successful business tourism destination, but also some cultural aspects will make a difference. Hong Kong is a city with a long and fascinating history. Since ancient times, Hong Kong had been a part of China. And after some time being the colony of the UK, it became and now is part of China again. Seen from the brief introduction, Hong Kong must be a place of many places of interest and historical heritages. These make an important part in travelling, and it also applies to business tourism.

Tourism can be identified in several forms, among which there are leisure tourism and business tourism. As with leisure tourism, business tourism has economic, environmental and social impacts—both positive and negative.

1. Economic impact

Business tourism has been seen as the most profitable form of tourism, since people all over the world are endeavoring to attract different kinds of business tourism.

(1)A lot of surveys have shown that business tourism, particularly conference delegates, contribute twice or up to four times to Hong Kong’s economy in terms of expenditure (Poser, 2008). All the time, businessmen travel for a business purpose. If they come for corporate meetings or conferences, then meeting rooms are needed; if they come for a training program, then some infrastructures for it is needed; if they come only for incentive travel, then places of interest and large shopping malls are needed. Above these, restaurants and hotels are very popular among all business tourists.  

(2)Business tourism contributes a lot to Hong Kong’s industry. On the one hand, business tourists need accommodation in Hong Kong, which means a large amount of income to the local restaurants and hotels. On the other hand, business tourists’ various kinds of entertainment will largely stimulate the local economy. Industries must keep up bringing in new and advanced technology and products and managing to make innovations in order to keep themselves in the frontier of the economy (Vanhove, 2012). In addition, the development of tourism and improvement of hotel management will surely come with themselves a much higher rate of employment. And in return, higher employment will lead the economy to develop towards the better.

(3)Business tourism can help develop new business since the business tourism destination is a center where all businessmen gather together to hold business meetings, to take part in a business training program, and even to just have fun. All these forms have the chance of creating new business opportunities. This is the benefit of Hong Kong being a successful business tourism destination, and it is also one of the factors which make Hong Kong a successful business tourism destination. In every form of business tourism, communication is vital. Through communication, businessmen get to know each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Most importantly, they can establish new business relationship through a series of communicating process, which is of mutual benefits to each party involved.

(4)Another benefit is the long-term promotion of business tourism to the destination of Hong Kong. Through business tourism, Hong Kong’s economy enjoys a rapid increase; employment rate goes higher, and new business relationships are established (Davidson & Cope, 2007). All these make Hong Kong a model of successful business tourism destination. So in the long-term, more and more businessmen will for sure choose to travel to Hong Kong for their business purpose. The business tourism industry in Hong Kong will grow stronger and stronger.

(5) As business tourism industry develops faster and contributes so much to the local economy, the Hong Kong government will certainly spend a lot of the incomes on the construction of new and high-tech infrastructure, then it can attract more and more business tourism. This is one more economic impact on Hong Kong in terms of business tourism, that is, it helps improve the local infrastructure.

In conclusion, business tourism makes a difference to Hong Kong’s economy. However, it also has some negative impacts. Since the profits from business tourism makes up a large percentage of the overall income, Hong Kong’s economy will be closely related to world economy. Once the world economy is experiencing volatility, Hong Kong’s economy will be easily and largely influenced. But anyway, statistics and facts prove that the positive impacts overweigh the negative ones to a large degree.

2. Environmental impacts

The business tourism industry may bring about a lot of issues concerning the environment. For example, it should raise the awareness of environment protection, since tourists may make a lot of noise and rubbish which will do harm to the environment in both the short run and long run. Besides, special attention must be attached on some of the natural sites. Actually, there is one way to solve this problem, which is to develop new land. Some man-made sites can be built there to provide entertainment to people. What’s more, government will spend a lot in conserving the local area, which means Hong Kong will have much better scenery.

3. Cultural impacts

Business tourism often has mixed cultural impacts on the destination (Reisinger, 2009). On the one hand, people coming from every corner of the world will bring along their cultures into the business tourism destination. On the other hand, natives to the destination have their own culture. The good side is that different cultures may merge with each other to create something new, while the bad side is that a cultural conflict may probably happen.

To sum up, there are many factors which make Hong Kong a successful business tourism destination, among which economic factors are the most important. In return, being the destination, business tourism industry does make a great contribution to Hong Kong’s economy.


1. A.K.Bhatia. M. (2007). “The Business of Tourism: Concepts and Strategies”. n.p.

2. C. M. Hall, A. A.Lew. M.(2009). “Understanding and Managing Tourism Impacts: An Integrated Approach”. Pp.438.

3. D. Buhalis, C. Costa, F. Ford. J. (2012). “Tourism Business Frontiers”. pp. 356.

4. F. Cerina, A. Markandya, M. Mcaleer. M. (2010). “Economics of Sustainable Tourism”. pp. 892

5. L. Dwyer, P. Forsyth, W. Dwyer. M. (2010). “Tourism Economics and Policy”. Pp. 529.

6. M. Kozak. M. (2009). “Managing and Marketing Tourist Destinations: Strategies to Gain a Competitive Edge”. pp. 139

7. N. Poser. M. (2008). “Economic, Environmental &Socio-Cultural Impacts of Tourism”. pp.794.

8. N. Vanhove. M. (2012).”Economics of Tourism Destinations”. pp. 35

9. R. Davidson, B. Cope. M. (2007). “Business Travel: Conferences, Incentive Travel, Exhibitions, Corporate Hospitality and Corporate Travel ”.n.p.

10. Y. Reisinger. M. (2009). “International tourism: cultures and behavior”. pp. 52.



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