下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- French national education system,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了法国国民教育制度。法国国民教育制度确立于19世纪初期,这也正是西欧从传统社会向现代社会的转型时期,众多的教育家等在不同领域都留下了丰富的教育思想,成为以后各种教育理念的源头。法国国民教育体系的确立,推动了法国民族国家的形成,使法国走上教育现代化的道路,具有里程碑式的意义。同时,西方各国的思想家受此启发和影响,借鉴形成了符合本国国情的国民教育理论。
The French national education system was established in the early 19th century, which is the transition period from traditional society to modern society in Western Europe. This article, from the direct factor of promoting the formation of the French national education system, finds the direct cause of the establishment of the system in the three dimensions of politics, economy and ideology and culture, aiming at discovering how the subject right can influence the economic and cultural fields from the political field and become the root of the establishment of the French national
The French national education system was established in the early 19th century, which is the transition period from traditional society to modern society, and many educators, thinkers, statesmen, philosophers and economists left rich educational thoughts in different fields and became the source of various educational ideas. Carefully combing these precious materials, and critically inheriting, in order to provide useful reference for our country's education modernization construction and education reform.
To clearly define the concept of "national education", the following is summed up by contrasting the differences between concepts:
The concept of popular education, which aims at raising the social welfare of the population and safeguarding the political interests of the country, is the beginning of the period of religious reform and the Renaissance, and the primary education of the common people in the mother tongue, which focuses on the educational purpose.
Education for all means that the State generally implements a certain degree of basic education for school-age children, a process that does not distinguish between the child's race, color, religious beliefs, gender and ability, and the emphasis is placed on the means of education.
The essence of the national education is a kind of the populace educates, at the same time has the unique nationality characteristic and the political color, this concept focus lies in emphasizes the education object, namely the nation state all people, manifests the "educates the right" the political significance.
National education contains the political meaning of "educational control right", and the emphasis of this concept is to emphasize the state's will of education power relative to the non state-controlled education right. This can be summed up as follows: National education is under the unified management of the State authority, through the form of universal education to carry out the public.
Foreign research on the theory of national education mainly focuses on the Western educational history, which mainly represents the Coubelles, lace, Brubach, Baldwin, Green and others. Coubelles in the history of education as an important part of civilization, from the perspective of the history of civilization to examine the role played by education in the development of civilization.
There are two important points in the book: first, the beginning of popular education, originated in religious reform and the Renaissance, a change of the church above the Bible, the status of the Bible elevated to the church, so that the general public to receive primary education can be followed, so that primary schools began to teach in the mother tongue; second, the 19th century, the concept of state control of education flourished, and national control and school-building campaigns were carried out throughout the world.
In the book "Nationalism and education since the 1789," Patsy the three elements that drive educational development: nationalism, democracy and the Industrial Revolution. Brubach the "Nationalism and education" in the book "History of Education", and "nationalism" to analyze the establishment and development of the national educational system has become a trend. In the third volume of the history of Western education, Baldwin analyzes the origin of national educational origin in Europe and America from the angle of ideological consciousness.
The literature on national education in China is not very rich and representative: the historical research on the theory and Practice of American and European Xudong in the middle of 18th century to 19th century, mainly explores the representative works and theories of the educator Montesquieu, the Shire maintenance, Rousseau, La Chalotte, and the people, The nation, As the basis of research, the three elements of the country outline the relations between the, the nation and the country, and reveal the significance of national education to the survival, prosperity and development of the country. The first chapter discusses the theory of French national education, and calls it the "think tank".
The establishment of the French national education system has promoted the formation of the French nation-state and made France embark on the road of educational modernization with landmark significance. At the same time, Western thinkers have been inspired and influenced by this, and have formed a national education theory in line with their own national conditions.
The theory of natural education in Pestalozi, Switzerland, benefited from Rousseau's thought, and England Owen's theory of character formation inherited the theory of Montesquieu and AI, and Washington's attempt to establish a "national university" was followed by Diderot. Therefore, the French national education thought promoted the establishment and development of the Western educational system, which was the source of the Western thought and had the research value.
Social transformation takes place not only in the economic field, but also in the non-economic fields such as education and politics. The modernization process is the transformation from the traditional society to the modern society, and the popularization of education is one of the important characteristics. At the beginning of the 18th century, most French schools were under the control of the Catholic Church. In primary education, the Christian School Brotherhood provides charitable education to poor and unfortunate children, and some nuns provide primary education to girls. The Jesuit and Oratoli monks controlled secondary education. In the middle of the 18th century, encyclopedia compilers began to shake the government's absolute control over the education system. They embraced the new concept of humanitarian democracy and insisted that education should be comprehensive, free, mandatory and non-religious. This thought has since become an integral part of the French Revolution.
With the revolutionary creation of a more democratic society, education is gradually recognized as a tool for the realization and maintenance of a new society. Many of the recommendations drafted by the three-level parliament in 1789 called for the reduction of classical courses in public education, emphasizing modern and practical courses. During the national conference, Mirabeau and Talleyrand drafted plans for secular education aimed at nurturing patriotic talent rather than religious talent. Condorcet has developed a complete national system for secular schools that provides free, compulsory and universal access to equal education for all children.
Following the establishment of the French Republic, the National Assembly has undertaken many efforts to establish a state-administered education system and to destroy church schools by confiscating property and banning teaching groups. The 1794 law of La Canaveral stipulates that each primary school shall accommodate 1000 persons and that it should be taught in French for reading, writing, accounting and physical geography. Through the teaching of patriotic songs, patriotic stories, to explain the declaration of Human Rights to instill Republican ideas. The 1795 law stipulates that thousands of communities should establish primary and secondary schools that teach reading and writing, and teach classical subjects and modern subjects to 12~18岁 children.
Political dimension: The French Revolution. In the early 18th century, France was a European power, but gradually lost its dominance in Europe during the reign of Louis 16. The economic crisis is a catalyst for long-standing discontent and an important direct factor in triggering the revolution. In the 1780s, agriculture had shown signs of crisis, wheat prices were weak, and, on the other hand, the severe crisis caused by the overproduction of grapes had led to a steep decline, while French industry was threatened by the 1786 Anglo-French Shangyo. In the 1788, there was a disastrous crop failure in agriculture, a sudden famine after years of stagnant prices, and unrest in both the city and the countryside.
A riot against the workers' owners erupted in the Antoine of Paris in April 1789. From this moment on, social warfare amplified the political crisis, and the most critical factor in the political crisis was the deficit. A number of small factions in the country split the state, and the colonial economic catastrophe led to increased government spending, tax increases and domestic social inequalities, which culminated in the outbreak of the Great Revolution. Louis 16 was forced to convene a three-level meeting, the third level proclaimed the establishment of the National Assembly, the abolition of feudal privileges, the drafting of the 1791 Constitution. The Constitution established a constitutional monarchy, abolished the inheritance system of the eldest son, liberated the serfs, confiscated the land of the church, and transformed the clergy into state officials through the people's election, prohibiting religious education in the church. The French Revolution ended the rule of absolute monarchy and spread the idea of freedom, democracy and equality. The Declaration on Human Rights and Citizenship, adopted in 1789, has a landmark meaning, emphasizing freedom and expressing the idea that people are born and always be free and equal. Human rights, in particular property rights, are sacrosanct, except through due process of law. The French Revolution triggered a democratic trend of thought, despite the obstruction of the king, the restoration and the reactionaries, but the power of freedom, equality and fraternity is still very strong.
Economic dimension: the Industrial Revolution. The industrial revolution began in the the 1760s and originated in central England, and its influence directly affected France, which deeply affected France and maintained its position in Europe for a long time. The rapid development of social productive forces provides a solid soil for the development of education. The industrial revolution put forward higher demand for the progress of science and technology, which requires the workers to improve their quality, education is the most direct and powerful means to meet this condition. Deselini once said: "The mechanical improvement only depends on the knowledgeable worker to have the practical possibility." "The evolution of the Industrial revolution has changed the social fabric, the number of cottage industries and small farmers has plummeted, with the consequent rise in the number of poor people, a series of social, economic and political problems, and education is considered to be an effective remedy for social problems." Antoine Prost's book "The History of French education" has aroused people's close attention to the relationship between school system and economic and social facts. The industrialization takes the science as the forerunner, causes the people to feel the cultural science charm earnestly, has emerged in the society to advocate the knowledge upsurge.
Thought level: the Enlightenment. The Christian church and the feudal aristocracy reigned in Europe for thousands of years, and business was not fully developed, and in 17th century France was under the rule of Louis 14, at the height of the feudal aristocracy and the church's senior monks. Culture and education are controlled by Catholic Jesuit monks, and the general public is in a state of ignorance. The Enlightenment has been in this background for nearly a century, with France as its center and French as the language of the Enlightenment, and France has become the model of the Western European countries, and prepared the French Revolution well. At that time, the progressive thinkers and educators preached freedom, equality and democracy, opposed to foolishness and advocated the popularization of cultural education, in which Montesquieu, Voltaire and Rousseau were pioneers.
In the fourth chapter of the spirit of Law, Montesquieu discusses the education problem, puts education in the connection with the polity, and mainly discusses the relationship between education and politics. He believed that the principles of republicanism, monarchy and despotism differed in character, honour and horror, and that the corresponding education should have different goals. He criticized the education of authoritarian regimes, praised the education of the monarchy, and aspired to Republican education. In modern thinkers, Montesquieu pointed out the relationship between education and the state for the first time, and thought that education is a major cause that cannot be neglected by the state.
Lucoby Montesquieu was more radical, and according to his "social contract", the will of all citizens was the sovereign right of the nation. Natural rights are not limited to the right to life, the right to freedom and the right to own property, but also to the pursuit of happiness and well-being for all. Since the government's goal is to raise public welfare, the government must represent the will of all citizens, not just the owners of property.