下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- The cause of America's recession,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国经济衰退的原因。近几年,美国金融危机引起的世界经济危机不断放大,给世界经济带来了严重的破坏,特别是西方国家经济的损害程度远高于发展中国家。而美国经济衰退的原因,其实是放任自由主义泛滥的结果,放任自由主义泛滥导致危害的根本原因是唯心主义哲学基础。
The starting point of western economics is human desire, which starts from people's subjective desire, but ignores the social existence that produces subjective desire. Dialectical materialism holds that consciousness is determined by existence and consciousness has a negative effect on existence, while western economics advocates that consciousness determines existence. It can be seen that western economics is based on idealism.
Freedom is for individual economies, and laissez-faire is for government or social regulation. It is precisely for this reason that monopolies arise, that the freedom of all capitalist economies to gain benefits is often at the expense of others. Monopoly impedes the progress of science and technology, and thus the development of economy. Socialism suffered serious setbacks at the end of the last century. In order to integrate socialism into the diversified world, socialist economy began to take the initiative to reform the market economy suitable for its own needs, which made the western economic circle more firmly believe in the omnipotence of free market and led to the spread of anarchism in certain fields. Keynes's reflection and measures on the free market economy made the United States get rid of the economic crisis in the late 1920s and early 1930s. However, it was soon overwhelmed by the laissez-faire theories such as monetarism. The theory of money and market omnipotence became more and more fierce. Mr. Greenspan, the former chairman of the federal reserve, also acknowledged this point after the outbreak of the crisis, that allowing financial markets to develop freely would inevitably lead to economic risks.
The dominance of the dollar makes Americans always feel that their paper is infinite wealth. The money printed is circulated all over the world, and it can be obtained without effort. The United States no longer even produces labor-intensive products. Relying solely on its high-tech products, the United States will always become the world leader in the field of consumption. Therefore, the labor-intensive products involved in its national consumption depend on imports. These labor-intensive products are daily necessities, such as clothing, shoes and hats, children's toys, small household appliances and so on. Americans rely on the world market for their daily necessities, and the United States has become the largest importer of consumer goods. However, on the other hand, in order to maintain its leading position in the world of science and technology, the United States maintains a strict confidentiality system for its products and technologies. For example, if the United States does not export high-tech products or only USES them in a certain field of its own country, the export of technological products also requires technologies from several years ago. The United States does not sell high-tech products that other countries need from the United States; other countries with consumer goods are cheaper than the United States, resulting in a large deficit in international trade. What other countries need is the high-tech products of the United States. In the international trade, countries have a large surplus with the United States, which makes countries hold more and more dollars. The resolution of this contradiction becomes the focus of the international relations between the United States and other countries.
Proceeding from its own subjective desire, the United States promotes its democratic model to other countries, from peaceful interference in other countries' internal affairs to armed interference in other countries' internal affairs. From interfering in China's internal affairs in the last century, to supporting China's civil war, to supporting Taiwan's secession from the mainland, the United States has supported China's independence from China. To interfere in the internal affairs of the DPRK, trigger the Korean war, to interfere in the franco-vietnamese war, and completely replace the French invasion of Vietnam; Everyone from somalia to kosovo interferes in the internal affairs of other countries with the argument that human rights are higher than sovereignty. The so-called country human rights report issued by the us state department every year arbitrarily accuses other countries of human rights, but never sees its own human rights problems. This is because the standard of human rights is based on Americans' subjective uncertainty and even double standard. In the 21st century, the United States' intervention in Haiti's internal affairs, Asian affairs, Iraq's internal affairs and invasion of Iraq are all manifestations of laissez-faire idealism. In addition, the U.S. government plays politics at home, deceives voters, exaggerates the influence and threat of other countries on the United States, and finds a reasonable and legitimate basis for the costs of foreign wars and other interventions.
As a result of this laissez-faire, the United States ignored the United Nations charter and recognized rules of international law, so that its so-called Allies are opposed to its behavior. The United States has broken its word, not only globally, but also within its Allies. As the world moves towards multi-polarization, its hegemonism and power politics will inevitably come to an end.
The idea that the United States can do whatever it wants in the world because it has the world's unparalleled weapons of murder and that force can solve all problems, no matter how many times it fails, has not changed. In military operations, it is laissez-faire, and a war can be started on any pretext. For example, the Korean and Vietnamese wars of the last century, as well as the intervention in somalia, the invasion of panama and the war in kosovo; Since the beginning of the new century, it has waged wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, indiscriminately massacred Afghan and Iraqi residents occupied by it, and sent drones to indiscriminately kill Pakistani tribal residents. Ignoring the sovereignty and human rights of other countries, the UN charter and universally recognized principles of international law is the ultimate act. As a matter of fact, in the two world wars of the last century, no country that launched a war gained the ultimate interests, no problem was finally solved, no final problem could be solved by war, and only peaceful, non-military political means could be used to solve the problem. This has been recognized by people all over the world. However, because the United States pursues the philosophical basis of laissez-faire idealism, it has never reached a consensus with the people of the world.
From education, education theory in the United States is to respect students' personality and their free development. In terms of teaching methods, students should be allowed to study freely and autonomously. It is believed that students' personality is innate and inviolable. Students' learning knowledge is more or less innate rather than the result of environmental influences. This is the basis of Hegel's idea. The author learned from the survey of students studying in the United States that the basic education in the United States is very bad. Most of the talents of the higher education come from all over the world and are bought with us dollars. Many graduate tutors come from different countries. Can think, without native talent, innovation motive force is insufficient. From education thought, there is also the existence of individual heroism and "superman" spirit, which can be reflected in American films. In addition, religious culture is also deeply affecting American social consciousness. Religion itself requires people to believe in the existence of objective spirit which preceded human beings and obey the will of god. But god did not tell Americans what to create to create growth and how to get out of the economic crisis.
In terms of ideology and morality, whatever is in line with the individual interests of the United States is moral, whether internally or externally, and whatever is in line with the national interests of the United States is moral. Therefore, the United States will criticize and criticize the human rights and moral concepts of any other country. Only in this way can there be countless cases of campus shootings, murders and rapes at home. Only in this way can there be a sexual scandal involving the President.
In a word, the decline of the United States is not only economic, but also political, cultural, military and social life. Interference in other countries' politics and economy will not change the direction of their overall recession. The fundamental cause of America's decline is its idealistic world view. The only way to change or delay decline is to abandon its philosophical foundation of idealism.
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