
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Useless standardized tests,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了无用的标准化考试。在美国,学生必须要参加标准化考试,已达到更高的水平或者进入更好的学校,但标准化考试其实并没有什么用。历史数据表示,标准化考试并没有提高学生的水平,而且以此来给学生或学校来排名是不靠谱的。标准化考试要求考生必须熟练掌握英语,这对英语不是母语的考生并不公平。

standardized tests,标准化考试,英国代写,essay代写,代写

Nowadays, in the USA, students face standardized tests to advance to a higher level or to enter better schools; however, standardized tests are not useful and not worthwhile to take because they are not fair and comprehensive measures for gauging the students’ learning abilities, nor do they necessarily enhance the students’ learning performance.

First, standardized tests destroy students because historical statistics have shown that they did not enhance the students’ performance at school. Why should we spend time and effort on futile measures? The report of No Child Left Behind proclaimed that in the world Program for International Student Assessment in 2009, the USA dropped from the 18th to the 31st(McKinsey 2009). This is evidence that America did not bring up the students’ learning abilities through the implementation of more standardized tests. The National Research Council of the National Academies produced a report titled “Incentives and Test-based Acountability in Education”(Michael Hout and Stuart W. Elliott 2011)and recommended that “despite using them for several decades, policymakers and educators do not yet know how to use test-based incentives to consistently generate positive effects on achievement and to improve education”. If those experts have not found any use of standardized tests, then more effective measures should be implemented.

Second, standardized tests are unreliable measures to rank students or schools. Economics Thomas Kane and Douglas Staiger (2008) conducted a study in North Carolina and ranked the schools based on the students’ math and reading scores. However, when they tested for another time, the ranking was significantly different from the previous one, causing the statistics to be unreliable. Kane explained, “Even small fluctuations in a school's scores can have a large impact on a school's ranking simply because schools' overall test scores don't differ that much in the first place. Schools differ even less in the rate at which their test scores change or improve over time.” So judging a student’s or a school’s ability by using standardized test scores is not so convincing because they change all the time and the differences can be very significant.

Third, standardized test in the USA requires the test taker to be fluent in English. This is unfair to those students from aboard whose English might not be so good, but whose intellectual, logical, and critical thinking skills are at a high level. Take the SAT, GRE or GMAT for example, they are all standardized tests that students must take to enter universities in the USA. They are all designed in English and this fact has already filtered out some students who are talented at physics, or chemistry or music but whose English are not as good as those native speakers’. As a result, those students receive lower scores and only can get into universities with lower ranking. In reality, their IQ or professional abilities might be much better than those who go to the same school but whose native language is English. Incidentally, their majors might not need such an advanced English level at all. Therefore, the standardized tests are unfair to those whose native language is English.

In conclusion, due to the fact that standardized tests do not actually enhance the study skills, are unreliable measures, and are unfair, I believe that more comprehensive and effective measures should be used to assess a student or a school. For example, we can alter the testing culture via giving kids “mini-assessments” which are not called tests and that are in line with the state’s academic criterion. Teachers can check over the outcome of the tests, which are without any punitiveness to students, and utilize the subsequent data about student progress to have a share in best practices and come up with new ways to teach students the information.


R. Münch: Globale Eliten, lokale Autoritäten: Bildung und Wissenschaft unter dem Regime von PISA, McKinsey & Co. Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp, 2009.  (in German)

Kane, Thomas J. and Staiger, Douglas, Estimating Teacher Impacts on Student Achievement: An Experimental Evaluation (December 2008). NBER Working Paper No. w14607. Available at SSRN:

National Research Council. (2011). Incentives and Test-Based Accountability in Public Education. Committee on Incentives and Test-Based Accountability in Public Education, Michael Hout and Stuart W. Elliott, Editors. Board on Testing and Assessment, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.



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