
本篇paper代写- Public power讨论了公共权力。原始形态的公共权力,指的是人们所共同掌控的、协调和管理社会共同生活的权力。原始形态的公共权力产生于人类共同生活的需要,其基本功能是调解和处理人们共同生活过程中所可能出现的争端和纠纷。近代社会中早期的资产阶级思想家们对权力的公共性做出了充分的理论证明,形成了主权在民的思想共识,观点比较理论化和系统化。本篇paper代写51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Public power,公共权力,paper代写,代写,essay代写

Public power and political power is the core concept and the starting point of the study of politics, academic research has been a lot, and made great achievements. In a lot of books and literature equate the public power and political power, that public authority is the political power; Public power is different from the political power, has a certain difference between them. This paper discusses the difference between public power and political power, in order to make some explain and attract the public's thinking.

The concept of "power" is an ancient, both in China and western countries, has long been discussed on the concept of "power". In the west, the typical American scholar Peter blau said: "power is a person or group will impose the ability of others, despite resistance, these individuals or groups can also be through deterrence to do so." German Max weber thinks: "the power is a regardless of the opposition and the actors have to carry out the possibility of his will, no matter what is the basis of this possibility is based on." Mike Ross king thought: "power is a relationship between people, may be one person to another person by its ability to command to do". Power is a kind of social relationship, only when people activities involving others there is power, power is always has the directivity, means that the subject's ability to implement control to implement their will on others.

Engels said: the original form of public power is jointly controlled by people, coordination and management of social living power; Original form of public power generated by the need of common human life, its basic function is people live together in the process of mediation and processing possible disputes and disputes. Public power to confirm and guarantee in the form of the original natural community of equal status, the democratic rights of all members of the premise and foundation. In the modern society of the early bourgeois thinkers publicity on power has made the full theory has been proved that formed the sovereignty in the minds of the people, is a typical theoretical and systematic view, "theory of divine right of Kings" theory of "natural rights" of "popular sovereignty", etc.

About political power representative mainly include: the definition of political power is, in fact, the contrasts of power in a particular relationship, the main body of political power in order to achieve and maintain their own interests and with the restriction of the political power of the object. Political power is in the political relations, relying on a certain subject of political force, in order to achieve a certain interests and applied to power the object of a political force. Refers to reflect the will of the ruling class of state power, and as a representative of the society as a whole, in order to force security implementation, management, the power of the social public affairs. Marxism thinks that: "the political power is in the social and economic development to a certain historical stage of the product, is produced when human society class after a unique phenomenon."

From what has been discussed above we can see: out the concept of public power is the power "and" relationship between subject and object, that is, the power is the people, given by the authority must serve for the people, also must be the supervision of the audience, in this way, the exercise of public power can not be one-sided, but must with the franchisor namely the social public power restriction relationship to each other. Out the concept of political power is the power subject to the object "cure" relationship, namely the public management, is a kind of top-down unidirectional power, this power can easily evolve into despotism, rule oppression and even abuse of power. Political power is the product of history, it has historic.

Citizens and the relationship between the authority and officials are: citizen entrust public power authority, authority by specific officials responsible for enforcing, responsible for the citizens, citizen oversight. In this kind of multi-level principal-agent relationship between citizens is the ultimate owner of public power. In the human political history have representative views "have a divine right theory", "violence" and "social contract", etc. The exercise of political power is highly centralized and one-way, the operation of power from the supervision of citizens, in political darkness, as the rule of the ruling class.

The understanding of legitimacy has two aspects: one is refers to the legal norms and principles; The second is the value of mutual recognition by social members. Max weber said: "the legitimacy and based on the material motivation, emotional motivation or obey the desire of value rationality motivation is different, the latter is not a reliable basis, any rule to consolidate its persistent, will arouse to the legality of the faith". The legitimacy of public power system refers to the value of mutual recognition by social members. Social members to get their citizenship social members by the authority of the recognition and trust, and by the authority agents and exercise, members can supervise the power of operation, there was a big mistake once the authority in the exercise of power, the power of the social members to choose their agent, public power is the value of the social members generally recognized. And the legitimacy of political power is based on legal norms and principles. Of legitimacy and legal norms are not, the legitimacy of political power is in the country, with the principles and norms related to the laws and regulations, etc before the real formation and guaranteed, political power works is to see whether it conforms to the relevant national laws and regulations.

Public power is the power of all social members, maintenance is the basic interests of all members of society generally, what is the exercise of authority is the power of all social members have to hand over, it's just a social member's agent, all the members of the community of the value orientation of public power is a basic value orientation, it represents all the social members in the face and deal with all kinds of contradictions and conflicts, relationship of the basic value position, as well as the basic tendency of value attitude. Political power is exercised by some interest group or class elite rule of its power object, it represent the basic interests of the subject, its value orientation is part of the value orientation of the ruling elite.

Public authority pursues goal is to protect the interests of all the social members of the public and let it to obtain the maximum protection and enhancement, promote the progress of human civilization. And political power to the certain rule group, its goal is the most basic guarantee social members benefit on the basis of maintaining the stability of society's most basic, in order to maximize maintenance and the pursuit of self-interest maximization rule group.

The dynamic mechanism of public power comes from the social public, the dynamic mechanism of political power comes up within the ruling group to the superior; On the operation mode, open to the public power must run, political power is a closed operation of; The operation of public power transparency is far higher than that of the political power operation transparency. Under the public power, the interests of the citizens is the core of the public power agency operations, citizen satisfaction evaluation to its decided to its fate. Under the political power, the executive branch layer level promotion is the pivot of political operation, won the higher satisfaction and joy decides the political future of officials, the dynamic mechanism of typical surface is highly centralized feudal regime.

Constraint mechanism is the agent or manager in accordance with the laws and regulations, value orientation and cultural environment, etc., to the principal or the behavior of management object from the material, spiritual and bound to make its behavior mechanism of convergence or change. Public power constraint mechanism is mainly composed of citizens, society, market and agency of four aspects, the reasonable operation of public power is to rely on those four sorts of mutual cooperation, mutual supervision, play the proper role. Under the modern democratic political system, the law is the main way of constraint and regulate political power, political power, there must be a legal operation in accordance with the law and the constraint mechanism of political power is the a mechanism stipulated in the laws and regulations.

In this paper, we can see that the public power and there are many different political power. Although public power and political power with similar sex, both in terms of function is basically the same, but the political power is the alienation of public power.


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