下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Association law in British associative psychology,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国联想心理学中的联想律。最基本的联想律是接近律,指的是当我们想起某件事情时,往往想到和它一起发生的事情。相似律是指当我们想起某物,便想到和它相似的事物。而联想副律中的持久即后来的强度律,是有实际意义的,应该加入到联想律中。从现实生活中的经验我们可以知道,我们留意一个对象的时间越久,记住他们的可能性就越大。事物给我们最初留下的印象越生动,则思想系列内的相应部分联想得越牢固。
The psychology of associationism in the 17th to 19th centuries was mainly produced and developed in England. Descartes and Hobbes pioneered the mechanical model of lenovo. The term association was coined by Locke. Beckley showed that the formation of ideas depends on association. Hume explores the mechanisms and laws of association. Hartley, the founder of associationism, insisted on explaining various psychological phenomena with association, and tried to reveal the physiological mechanism of association with nerve vibration.
The law of association goes back at least to Aristotle. By association with memory, Aristotle conceived of the so-called law of association. The most basic associative rule is the law of proximity, which means that when we think about something, we tend to think about what happened with it. The law of similitude means that when we think of something, we think of something similar. The law of contrast is when we think of something we tend to think of the opposite. Aristotle says that when two things occur together, we rarely have strong associations with them if we only experience them once. Typically, the more two things occur together, the closer they are, the stronger the association. Here Aristotle implies the existence of the principle of frequence, that is, in general, the higher the frequency of simultaneous experience, the stronger the association.
For more than 2,000 years, Aristotle's law of association has become the basis of learning theory. In fact, the concept of mental association is still the core of most learning theories today.
In fact, even as far back as Plato, there were initial descriptions of approaching and similar laws.
The term association was first used by Locke, an advocate of associationist psychology in the history of European psychology. He thinks, the association of idea has natural union and learned union. He attached more importance to the association of acquisition, believing that habit was a force that united ideas. This is the beginning of the intermediate frequency cause of the later associative law.
Hume first proposed three laws for the formation of association: the law of similitude refers to the fact that it is easy to transfer from one idea to any other similar idea in our thinking process. For example, when we think of a friend, we think of other friends. The law of space-time proximity refers to the fact that, as the senses change their objects in a regular manner, and accept them in the order in which they approach each other, imagination must acquire the same method of thought by the force of long habit, and in thinking of its objects in order to exceed the parts of space and time. For example, when you think of a gift, you think of the person who gave it. The law of cause and effect refers to the idea of something which is related to the idea of cause and effect. For example, when we see lightning, we think of thunder. Later, Hume changed the law of association from three terms to two terms, that is, the law of causality was merged into the law of proximity. He regarded causality as the result of time sequence and space proximity, with "habitual association" or "empirical inference" as the leading role. He regards causality as the most important associative rule, because "no relation can form a stronger bond in the imagination than the causality between objects, and no relation can more easily produce another idea from one idea". In fact, for Hume, causality is nothing more than a continuously observed relationship. Therefore, causation is not necessarily related, but a kind of psychological experience.
According to Hume, it's not reason that makes us live effectively; It's experience, or what Hume meant by custom.
Kant, on the other hand, thinks that the law of causality is the result of human reason. Kant agrees with Hume that the law of causality does not come from experience, but he believes that it can prove natural law, because natural law is the law of human cognition. The law of cause and effect is the expression of human reason.
While acknowledging that the law of proximity is the basic associative law, brown proposed the associate law of association, which is used to explain why a concept only causes one of the concepts and excludes other concepts in the concepts that have been associated with it. There are nine of them, of which three are the principal: the more vivid the original sense, the more firmly the corresponding parts in the series of thoughts; The more the thought series reappear, the greater the chance that it will be generated later. The closer the event is, the more chance of being remembered. These minor laws that brown proposed are not derived from logic, but from some practical observations. But they are not produced passively, but by the active role of the mind formed. These laws have become the permanent wealth of psychology.
James muller insisted that the law of proximity was the master law of association, and added to explain two associative associate laws such as vitality and frequency law.
All three psychologists agree that the proximity rule is the main associative rule, but they haven't stopped studying the associative rule, and they have each proposed the accessory rule, doing their best to explain everything.
John mueller studies the problem of associative law from the common base of the whole associative process. He thinks, each association law is under association general principle joint effect. His specific discussion of the associative law was varied from beginning to end, and by 1865 he proposed the law of proximity, the law of similitude, the law of frequency and the law of indivisibility. John mueller argues that similar ideas tend to inspire each other; Feelings or experiences are often experienced together, whether they are experienced simultaneously or in succession. The connection strength varies with frequency. The stronger the bond formed by those more vivid feelings or ideas; He later deleted the law. The importance of the principle of frequency is gradually accepted by later generations by John mueller.
I agree with John mueller's original argument about associative law. The author thinks that the "persistence" in the associative associate law proposed by brown, namely the later strength law, is of practical significance and should be added to the associative law. We know from real life experience that the longer we keep an eye on an object, the more likely we are to remember them. And then there is brown's "vividness," the later law of emergence. James mueller has also proposed paralegal - vividness. This associative rule is something we can understand and accept. We find that the more vivid the initial impression of something, the stronger the association of the corresponding parts within the series of thoughts.
The associative psychologists of the 17th to 19th centuries all had their own views and research on the associative law, but their views did not come out of thin air, they were the results of thought and practice. The law of proximity is generally recognized by them, but everyone has different definitions of the law of proximity. They all put forward the associate law of association, which has some implications for us. We should not be satisfied with obtaining an invariable law, but should think in multiple dimensions and dare to question authority. No doubt, no deep inquiry, no progress. But we cannot easily assert who is right or wrong, for every opinion has its own truth.
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