本篇paper代写- Case Analysis for Medtronic Corporation讨论了美敦力公司。美敦力公司是心脏起搏器领域的巨头,但在最近几十年,美敦力的发展并不像以前那么顺利。市场在不断变化,竞争对手在追赶,这给美敦力带来了巨大的挑战。而新的挑战也激发了美敦力公司应对市场变化的新措施和新战略。美敦力更加重视研发,通过不同的方式增加价值来区分产品,避免陷入产品同质化的困境。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。
Medtronic Corporation is a giant in the cardiac pacemaker field. However, the progress of its development is not as right as rain and it suffered a lot in period of 1970s, which leads Medtronic to lose its leadership in its business field.
Several causes leads to the dilemma for Medtronic. Firstly, the increasing completion at that time, because of the fat profit for cardiac pacemaker, numerous companies take part into the market and although they cannot compete with Medtronic in terms of research and development, they are able to copy and improve the similar product based on Medtronic’s product, which cut down the profit of Medtronic. Secondly, the quality issues make Medtronic sufferer a lot and hit its brand image. As a product for patient’s most important organ – heart, the quality is highlighted by consumers. Last and the most significant factor influencing Medtronic’s leader position is its internal management problem. Since the development of Medtronic, the organization structure is becoming increasingly complex and the large organization goes against the internal management and communication, which reflect obviously in terms of innovation management and communication between marketing department and R&D department. For the former one, there are too many ideas of developing new product for Medtronic, which confuses the decision maker. As for the latter one, the information of market collected by marketing department is convey slowly to the R&D because of the too long communication path.
Although the problems mentioned above are terrible and tough, the great project leader, Ken Anderson leads the company to regain its glory time by coming up with change of management practice. Firstly, he rediscover the unique and competitive strength in Medtronic and makes good use of it. The most important competitiveness for Medtronic is its R&D strength and it is hid by the lower level of management. Ken makes Medtronic different by putting forward of the amazing product – Activitrax, which can adjust its operation according to patient’s heart beat. The thinking pattern behind this great product is to bring out the unique product with great features patient really cares about. Additionally Ken also pays attention to the product quality and make it stable in a long period and at that time lots of product recall from competitor makes Medtronic’s quality more excellent. What’s more, a system to measure product development has been established in Medtronic, which evaluates the product development process in regard to four aspects including speed, cost, innovation and product quality, which improves the features of product and its quality genuinely.
Nevertheless, the market keeps changing and the competitors are catching up, which brings new challenges for Medtronic in 1996. This challenge can be divided into two parts. One is from its internality. At that time, one of the most difficult tasks for Medtronic it to think out the ways to develop new talents and retain the person with ability. Many excellent staff in Medtronic moved away to other small firm to display their talent because they think the career path in Medtronic has hit the celling and in the small firm their ideas can be adopted easier. This situation makes a cruel fact that Medtronic is training the excellent talents for its competitors in some extent if the great staff cannot be retained. For the other part, the trend of product homogeneity has appeared. The companies in the pacemakers spend their effort in the same direction of developing product feature, which decreases the distinctiveness of Medtronic’s product.
New challenges stimulate the new measures and strategy to respond the market changing in Medtronic. As always, Medtronic focuses on the R&D part and spends its effort to distinguish its product by adding value in different ways to avoid getting into troubles of product homogeneity. Medtronic has been closer to consumers by its advanced information collection ability and based on it its product feature can be more friendly and marketable. Secondly, the direction of expanding market has been changed. Medtronic will pay more attention to the niche market in the less developed countries. These market may not as profitable as it in the developed countries. But the growth rate from the less developed countries is desirable and there is less competition in these market. Once Medtronic brings its products to these markets, the first-mover advantage will be set up, which can boost sales and profit. Except the expansion of geography, Medtronic also aims at other groups including hospital management, payors and buying groups, which are the potential market. To support these strategy mentioned above, the new training for its sales force is also put forward.