下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The creation of artistic songs by Tosti,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了托斯蒂艺术歌曲的创作。托斯蒂是意大利的作曲家,其创作的作品大多以声乐为主。相比于同一时期的其他作曲家来说,托斯蒂涉猎的领域更加单一,其将创作的重点放在艺术歌曲的写作中,作品中包含的语种有英语、意大利语、拿坡里语以及法语,其中,更多的为意大利语,包括《玛莱卡莱》、《再见》等等。其作品旋律优美流畅、内容清晰,受到了当时人们的青睐,并被同时代的作曲家追捧与模仿,得到了广泛的传播。

The melodies of Tosti's art songs are beautiful, fluent and clear, which are sought after and imitated by contemporary composers and widely spread.

Tosti is an Italian composer. Most of his works are mainly vocal music. Although most of his works are "living room songs" in English, the style of Italian folk music can still be understood from the melody. The artistic songs of Tosti were popular in content and melodic, which were favored by people at that time. His representative works include serenade, malecale and goodbye, etc., which have unique creative characteristics and require in-depth analysis and mastery by relevant singers and researchers.

In the late 18th and 19th centuries, serious opera gradually gave way to romantic musical styles. Under the influence of the French revolution, more composers are more willing to use their works to express their imagination of a better life in the future, personal emotional experience and so on. This background led to the change of artistic style and promoted the formation of romantic music style. At the same time, with the development and popularization of piano in life, the composer more integrated piano accompaniment in the actual creation of artistic songs, and completed works with vocal music as the main genre.

Compared to the same period of other composers, and in the field is more onefold, his creations will focus on the art song writing, works contained in the language is English, Italian, and slope in the language as well as French, among them, the more is Italian, including "ma lai lai", "goodbye" and so on. His works are melodious, fluent and clear in content. They were favored by people at that time, and were sought after and imitated by contemporary composers.

For Tosti’s art songs, they belong to the later works of romanticism, and the corresponding lyrics are more from the poetry of Italian poets in the 19th century. In these poems, although most of them describe love and express the love and hatred between people, there are some differences in the main meanings expressed. In the art songs created by Tosti, music is generally composed in the already formed poetry, which makes his works have a strong recitation.

For example, in Tosti's "I wish to die", the lyrics are "at this time of year I wish to die/the air is mild/the sky is clear/the swallows have built their nests/moved into their new houses/this is the new flower that decorates the land". In this section of lyrics, it can not only be sung, but also be recited as a separate work, reflecting the high readability of the lyrics in Tosti's art songs. In order to ensure that the lyrics can be better understood, in the actual artistic song creation process, Tosti completely followed the habit of speaking to write the lyrics, and all the lines were strictly screened, requiring that the corresponding lines could be used for singing as well as complementary to the melody.

In his art songs, most of them contain rich piano accompaniment. In order to further improve the audience's listening experience, Tosti introduced a variety of song reception speed. In art songs, if the rhythm is simply used in starting and switching, the song will be dull and dull, and the audience's listening and watching experience is not rich. In order to avoid this problem, Tosti often introduces non-equal rhythmic forms in his works, including adjuncts, syncopations, etc., and USES them together with triplets to complete the creation of the entire art song. In this way, the rhythm of the singing part of Tosti’s art songs is enriched.

In order to further improve the driving force of the melody of the song, Tosti also applied the method of piano accompaniment and singing melody rebeats alternately, so that the piano accompaniment and singing melody can achieve mutual promotion. With the support of such creative techniques, the rhythm of the song melody is significantly improved, which enhances the singer's enthusiasm in the actual singing state and breath, and enriches the audience's actual experience.

The material of Tosti‘s art songs is single and complete, the debugging is unified and clear, at the same time, it is often accompanied by swing and off-tune. When the music reaches the relational key, it returns to the main key again. It can be said that the musical structure of Tosti‘s art songs is relatively neat, and his works have a high square integrity. Compared with the music works in the classical period, the art songs in the later period of Tosti‘s romanticism were different, which changed the traditional tonal writing method and mainly used the major and minor of the same name to determine the direction of transfer.

For example, in Tosti‘s song "I wish I were dead," the beginning USES f minor, the middle USES f natural major, and the end USES f minor; In the song "the last song", the beginning part USES d and minor, the middle part USES d and natural major, and the end part USES d and minor. In the song "farewell song", the beginning part USES g harmonic minor, the middle part USES g natural major, and the end part USES g harmonic minor. In the song I don't love you anymore, e harmony minor is used in the beginning, e nature major in the middle and e harmony minor in the end.

It can be seen from this that the tonality of the patterns in Tosti‘s art songs has a relatively high regularity, which generally starts with minor key, then turns into homophonic tonic major, and finally returns to the main key, achieving the effect of "atmosphere contagion - emotion deepening - triggering thinking".

In addition, the integration of the elements of napoli folk songs is also a feature of the creation of artistic songs of Tosti, which enriches the emotion of the songs and promotes the development of the songs, emotions and plots.

To sum up, Tosti‘s art songs are melodious, fluent and clear in content, which are sought after and imitated by contemporary composers and widely spread. In his works, there are recited lyrics, changeable rhythm and speed, and regular debugging and tonality, etc. In addition, he also integrates the elements of napoli folk songs organically, so the songs are more full of emotion and the audience's viewing experience is more rich.


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