
企业文化和宣传工作,corporate culture,英国论文辅导,代写英国Essay,英国论文代写

The corporate culture is the sum of business concept, business purpose, management policy, management image and value concept which is formed in the production and management activities. It is the fundamental expression of the enterprise individuality and the soul of enterprise survival, competition and development. Corporate propaganda work as an effective carrier of corporate culture, in the process of building and promoting corporate culture, has a very important role in the internal energy to enhance cohesion, centripetal force, external to establish a corporate image, enhance enterprise quality and enhance competitiveness. Enterprise culture construction cannot do without the support and cooperation of enterprise propaganda work, but also cannot do without enterprise party organizations and managers at all levels and all employees to participate.

Corporate culture has many roles, one of the very important role is to guide the role of the enterprise staff to guide the establishment of the goal, the enterprise's goals, beliefs deeply rooted in the hearts of employees, so that employees on business goals to form a consensus, change Into a strong sense of mission, sense of honor and sense of responsibility, so consciously make every effort to do their jobs. The direct purpose of enterprise culture construction is actually to improve people, shape people, enhance the overall quality of employees, improve the overall function of enterprises. As the spread of all cultures, the role of corporate culture also need to be effective through the propaganda can be brought into full play. The quality of propaganda work directly affects the construction of enterprise culture, whether the corporate culture can play its role of mobilizing the enthusiasm of employees, thus affecting the survival and development of enterprises.

For a long time, many people have some misunderstandings on the significance of corporate culture and propaganda work, many people think that corporate culture and propaganda work is shouting slogans, engage in activities, compile a magazine, open a General Assembly, The starting point of an active atmosphere, the role of morale; more few people believe that as long as good scientific research, do a good job of business and production on the line, culture and publicity are secondary and optional. In view of this concept, we must truly raise the awareness of the importance of corporate culture and propaganda work, and from the system to improve and perfect, to play their internal cohesion and enhance the combat effectiveness of enterprises to establish a good brand , Enhance the role of corporate image.

Deep understanding, awareness of corporate culture and propaganda work of the content, realize that effective propaganda is the necessary prerequisite for the development of corporate culture. To recognize that corporate culture and advocacy work is to "rally" to allow enterprises from top to bottom from the ideological formation of a consensus: to recognize the theory of corporate culture is the traditional theory of management theory and behavior of the qualitative leap, is an advanced Management theory. Suitable for the enterprise culture management, as well as strong, in place of the propaganda work is the enterprise to implement a comprehensive management, help to improve the operator's business level and create a good environment for development and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises strong protection.


The importance of corporate leadership is to promote the construction of corporate culture and the key to propaganda. Corporate leadership should be the corporate culture of advocates, managers and demonstrators. On the one hand, the propaganda work of the enterprise is carried out under the direct leadership of the party and government of the enterprise, and plays an important role in promoting the enterprise culture construction. On the other hand, corporate propaganda work can be advanced party culture into the corporate culture to go, so as to ensure that the corporate culture in the right direction and healthy development. If there is no active participation of business leaders, corporate culture and propaganda work of the unity of the building is easy to become a mere formality, cannot be sustained. My current practice is to propaganda departments and cultural work departments combined office, cross-office, for the organic combination of the two is very good.

To realize that employee participation is to carry out the construction of enterprise culture and the effective implementation of propaganda work. Enterprise culture is the main body of the building, corporate culture is focused on the overall development of people, it can affect the subtle influence of the workers and employees of the thinking and behavior; corporate propaganda work is the spiritual level of human strength, the main emphasis is Play a person's subjective initiative, the two have in common between the work of the final practice of the main body and the end result are enterprise employees. If only the leadership of enterprises in advocacy and demonstration, without the participation and efforts of employees, is less than the intended purpose, and only continue to improve the quality of staff, fully embodies the corporate culture management people-oriented spirit, in order to make enterprise culture construction benign, , Healthy development.

Corporate culture is a foreign propaganda of a mirror, a banner, you can show something positive business, companies can adhere to the core values expressed, so that the public awareness and recognition. Corporate culture to shape the combination of specific business conditions, highlighting corporate values, entrepreneurial spirit, business philosophy on the differences. In the process of inheriting and carrying forward, the group has gradually developed its own unique core idea and enterprise spirit, and carried out the construction of subculture such as humanism, innovation, honesty, quality, safety, brand culture, and gradually perfect the management system , Improve management efficiency. As a group of three companies, according to the company on the corporate culture of the overall planning and requirements, our company established a corporate culture construction of the organization and leadership, and for the development of the actual, in accordance with corporate culture requirements, and gradually formed a " The dream of success "of the enterprise mission;" industry-leading international first-class "vision of the enterprise;" people-one homeopathic trip "business philosophy;" intentions to do excellence "core values;" Three of the innovation-driven "management Concept of "one step ahead of their ancestors to enhance the" concept of development; "from zero to zero struggle" security concept; "people do their best to Germany first" concept of talent; "green production of green" concept and "sunshine transparent wind Clean air is "the concept of clean.

Corporate culture propaganda position construction is an exploratory work, and never-ending. We should gradually grasp the law of corporate culture construction, based on the actual business, corporate culture and publicity work to solve practical problems with the business, and production and management, ideological and political work and spiritual civilization together to create a distinctive corporate culture of propaganda positions .

The establishment of a high-quality cultural propaganda team. To strengthen the building of enterprise culture, play a prominent role in corporate culture propaganda position, there must be a high efficiency, can play tough battle, due diligence of the cultural propaganda team to protect. To combine the needs of corporate culture, starting from the foundation, and constantly strengthen the team building. Through the strengthening of guidance, supervision and implementation, promote propaganda staff due diligence, do a solid job of propaganda work. To create a strong cultural atmosphere. To multi-channel, multi-angle, multi-level corporate culture to carry out propaganda work, and create a strong corporate culture propaganda atmosphere. Publicity corporate culture, your participation in full. To always adhere to the "from the staff to the staff to go" approach, develop a unified promotional strategy, focus on the use of propaganda positions in order to make corporate propaganda work influence, wide range of radiation. To work methods, enhance the relevance, the use of loved and lively form, and guide the conduct of corporate culture propaganda work.

Perfect corporate culture propaganda evaluation mechanism. To establish a corporate culture of publicity and evaluation and incentive mechanism, the corporate culture into the business performance evaluation system, the effectiveness of corporate culture propaganda on a regular basis to evaluate. Evaluation of the content of the design must be consistent with the work of corporate culture construction, according to the corporate culture development planning to develop or design. Assessment criteria must be specific and rationalization, to ensure that corporate culture propaganda evaluation activities in an orderly and smooth start, the evaluation results must reflect the fairness, objectivity and reasonableness.

Corporate culture can shape the corporate image, corporate culture also need to promote the work of the in-depth to show and spread its ideas. Establish a good corporate image, the need for corporate culture support, the need for effective and effective publicity. In the process of enterprise development, from the management style to the level of leadership, from science and technology research and development to marketing, from the quality of staff to product quality, from hardware investment to software development, all infiltration of cultural factors, all reflect the corporate image. Which require a high degree of unity of corporate culture and advocacy work. Imagine if the corporate culture and propaganda work of the word, not only is not conducive to the promotion of enterprises, but also to the public caused by visual confusion, interference with the in-depth understanding, not only form a joint force, but also produce side effects. Therefore, the corporate culture and propaganda work to do the content and form of unity, to achieve organic integration.

Corporate culture is a complex, by the concept, system, behavior and material composition of the four levels. Any successful enterprise should be refined and summarized for the enterprise's unique corporate culture, and from the concept, system, behavior and material level refinement, and in these four cultural levels to maintain a high degree of consistency. At the same time propaganda work in the development of annual work plan, or short-term planning, should be included in the corporate culture content, and careful planning and design, so that the content of the two blend with each other, on the correct, individuality, Do both in tune.

To play a good role in the two together, you need to make a fuss about the form. Corporate culture, such as: corporate image advertising, logos, trademarks, brands, product packaging, internal and external environment, such as the layout of the show to the public, to convey corporate philosophy to expand business and product visibility and reputation. Corporate culture can also promote the following ways: The first is the meeting to promote ways. Such as economic work conference, administrative work conference, party work conference and other meetings of the process to spread. Because each session itself is a work process, the learning process, especially the process of group learning. It spreads the enterprise values, rules and regulations and behavior norms, but also spread to the enterprise material culture and spiritual and cultural judgments. This is the "enterprise" culture "business people" process. With the repeated development of such activities, corporate culture has gradually infiltrated the corporate philosophy of human blood. The second is the way to promote the daily management. For example, the code of conduct of enterprises is to use daily management to spread and shape their own corporate culture and image. The third is the way to promote education and training, such as the staff of various training. The fourth is the media to promote the way, such as newspapers, Internet, television, various reports on the enterprise. Finally, there is a very important way is to promote activities. Through the company's various cultural activities carried out dissemination, penetration.

Corporate culture construction and propaganda work is a long-term task, is a difficult system engineering, in order to adapt to the enterprise reform and development of the new situation and new tasks, requires the majority of employees as the mainstay, innovation as the driving force, corporate culture and publicity work to New levels, enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, to achieve strategic objectives and make new contributions.



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