英国essay论文精选范文:“Computer Wireless Network Security Technology”,这篇论文讨论了计算机无线网络安全技术。无线通信一直是人们梦寐以求的技术。借助无线网络技术,我们终于可以摆脱那些烦人的电缆和网线,无论何时何地,都可以轻松地接入互联网。但是由于标准、可靠性、安全性等原因,无线网络至今不能像有线网络那样普及。特别是安全性和有线网络还存在很大距离。为了适应无线网络发展的需要,各种安全技术也应运而生。其中许多技术都是借鉴了成熟的有线网络安全技术,并针对无线环境进行了优化。
The basic principle of wireless LAN is in the enterprise or within the organization through the wireless communication technology to connect a single computer terminal, in order to form can be connected to each other and communication resource sharing system. Wireless local area network is different from the characteristics of wired LAN is to replace the traditional space-limited electromagnetic cable to carry out the transmission of information and contact. Compared with the traditional wired LAN, the construction of the wireless network enhances the mobility of the computer terminal, and it is simple to install, without geographical location and space constraints greatly improve the efficiency of information transmission, but also because of the characteristics of wireless LAN , Making it difficult to take the same wired LAN security mechanisms to protect the security of information transmission, in other words the difficulty of wireless network security protection is greater than the reasons for the wired network. In this case,
Eavesdropping network traffic can lead to confidential sensitive data leakage, unprotected user credentials exposure, triggering identity theft. It also allows experienced intruder mobile phone information about the user's IT environment, and then use this information to attack other situations less vulnerable to attack the system or data. Even for the attackers to provide a series of social engineering attacks on business information.
If an attacker can connect to the internal network, he can use a malicious computer through forged gateways and other means to intercept or even modify the two legitimate side of the normal transmission of the network data.
Network communication is eavesdropping refers to the use of the network in the course of the communication generated by the information for the other computers in the LAN to capture. Because most of the network traffic is transmitted in clear text on the network, so by observing, listening, analysis of data flow and data flow patterns, you can get the user's network communication information. For example, A computer user input Baidu's Web site may be in the same LAN B computer to use the software to monitor network packets captured, and in the capture software can be displayed, the same can also capture MSN chat records.
Wireless AP refers to the wireless network access point, such as the wireless router is commonly used in the family is the wireless AP. Wireless AP is controlled by others is the wireless router management authority for unauthorized persons obtained. When the wireless network stealers steal the wireless network and access, you can connect to access the wireless AP management interface, if just the user to use the wireless AP authentication password is very simple, such as using the default password, then the unauthorized user can Log in to the management interface of the wireless AP at will.
Wireless AP control for others may be very serious consequences: First, the control of wireless AP in the control of the AP, the user can modify the AP parameters, including disconnect the client connection; Second, the wireless router management interface, the user stored ADSL access account number and password, through the password view software can easily view the asterisk or dot display password.
An entity is attached to another entity to access the wireless network, the so-called fake attacks. This is the most common method of invading a security line. In a wireless network, there is no fixed physical link between the mobile station and the network control center and other mobile stations, and the mobile station must transmit its identity information through the wireless channel. The identity information may be intercepted when transmitted in the wireless channel. When an attacker intercepts the identity information of a legitimate user, the attacker can use the identity of the user to invade the network, which is the so-called identity impersonation attack. In the so-called different wireless networks, the identity of the different targets of counterfeiting attacks in the mobile communication network, the work band is charged, mobile users have to pay to call, the attacker fake legitimate users is to avoid paying. The wireless LAN, the work of the band is free, network resources and information is not open, charges, and only legitimate users can access these information attackers legitimate users are mainly illegal access to network resources.
Retransmission attack is the attacker will be eavesdropping to the effective information after a period of time, in the message to the recipient. Its purpose is to use the information that has been valid in the changed circumstances to achieve the same purpose. It is worth noting that wireless mobile devices are also a threat to theft, mobile devices continue to enhance the function, it is not only a communication tool, but also store a number of user information to prevent mobile devices in the theft of confidential information is also very important.
The security service in wireless network needs the corresponding security mechanism to guarantee the confidentiality service with encryption technology, realize the identity authentication service through access control, realize the integrity service with message authentication mechanism, and realize the non-repudiation service with digital signature technology.
Confidentiality business is achieved through encryption technology, encryption is a basic security mechanism,
When the encryption key is not equal to the decryption key, that is, each user in the system has two keys, it is called asymmetric cryptosystem or public key cryptosystem. Anyone can use a user's public key to encrypt the information passed to the user, only the user can use its secret key to decrypt, others do not know the secret key cannot be decrypted. Because of the complexity of the public key cryptosystem, it is not suitable for resource constrained wireless communication equipment. However, it has a great advantage in key management because it does not need any secret from both parties.
A complete detection technique is used to provide message authentication to prevent messages from being tampered with. A typical integrity detection technique is message authentication code.
The identity authentication technology provides the identity authentication of the two sides of the communication, in order to prevent the identity from being faked. It verifies that the identity of the attesting party is legitimate by examining what the certifying party has or what it knows. The identity authentication in cryptography is mainly based on verifying whether or not a secret is known. The authentication scheme based on shared secret is based on simple single-key cryptographic algorithm and hash function, and is suitable for authentication in wireless communication network.
Digital signature is used to provide non-repudiation of security mechanisms to prevent denial. Digital signature has the following advantages: Electronic form, easy to transmit in the network; only those who know the secret key to generate signatures, it is difficult to forge; can be the whole emergency sign, after signing the message cannot be changed. Digital signatures are mostly based on public key cryptography. In public key cryptography, the user's public key is public to all. The secret key is only known to the user. The user uses his own secret key to sign the hash value of message, And then pass the message and signature together to the verifier, the verifier to use the signer's public key can identify the authenticity of the signature. Because only the signer knows his secret key, only he can form a digital signature, so the signer once signed on a message cannot be denied.
Can be expected, with the wireless network security incidents continue to occur, whether to provide users with high-quality security services, wireless network operators will be able to win in the commercial competition key. Based on the overall security services security solutions, network security will become the mainstream of the future direction of development. Wireless network security issues in the future of the information age will be one of the most important issues, the above describes the network security issues and solutions to broadly contain all the circumstances for the operation of the sudden need to appear Further study and discussion.