英国essay论文精选范文:“Iraqi religious sects”,这篇论文讨论了伊拉克宗教派别。伊拉克作为中东大国之一,其综合影响力不容忽视,教派因素是伊拉克政治危机下的隐形分歧。伊拉克是中东地区典型的伊斯兰国家,其国民主要有阿拉伯人和库尔德人组成,奉伊斯兰教为国教,信奉伊斯兰教的人被称为“穆斯林”。由于帝国统治内部为争夺皇位的斗争,导致伊斯兰的分裂,如今伊拉克的宗教派别主要分为伊斯兰教、什叶派、逊尼派。
Islam is one of the world's three major religions. Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was born in Arabia in 570 AD, and is said to have devoted his life to religious activities in Islam in his 40th year of his first profound religious experience. From 610 AD, Mohammed accepted the first revelation of Allah: "You should read it in the name of your Creator, who created man with a blood clot, and you should read that your Lord is dignified, "The development of Islam, like that of Judaism and Christianity, was not a smooth process of development, and the initial missionary activities of Mohammed were only received by his wife and his wife," he said. The pro-family acceptance and recognition, and later gradually develop and broadcast off.
Muhammad in Mecca for 10 years of religious activities, he called Mecca community believe that there is only one God of God in the universe. Later, Muhammad's missionary activities in Mecca was hampered, with his wife and uncle's death, Mohammed lost personal protection and family support, it was part of the Mecca aristocracy opposition and exclusion. AD 622, Muhammad led a group of followers to leave Medina, and where the establishment of the first Muslim commune, this is the Islamic religious history of the famous "migration." Medina migration reflects the unity of religion and politics in Islam, but also an ideal for the development of Islamic society in ancient and modern times. Muhammad died in Mecca in 632 AD, his missionary activities in Medina for the subsequent prosperity and development of Islam has laid a solid foundation.
The Koran is the basis of the Muslim faith. "Imam" is the Islamic theory of the most central and innermost. "Immani" means "faith", referring to Allah to give Muhammad "revelation", as well as the basic creed of the establishment and recognition. Muhammad's leadership of Islam and Muslim society, as well as his conclusions and statements made with the revelation of God as respected and convinced. After the death of Muhammad, the Qur'an alone was unable to solve the problems in religion, society and the country, thus creating another masterpiece of Islam, the "Hadith", which is the record of Muhammad's words and deeds. If the answer to a question in the Koran cannot be found, the words and deeds of Muhammad's life as an example, more precisely, Islam is a religion, but also a form of social management of religion, can be understood as a The social system envisaged. The recent development of Islam is remarkable, and today Islam has become the world's second-largest religion with a large number of believers across the globe.
"Sunni" is "Sunnai and the public school" short. "Sunni" is to comply with the prophet Muhammad words and deeds. Sunni Muslims in Iraq, the small number, but it is the main power of the Iraqi government. Tracing the history of Islamic religion, the Hawai'i sent the first to separate Islamist subjects from the question of the succession of the Caliphs, and later the Shiites were separated, and most of the remaining Muslims persisted and followed the Prophet Muhammad This part of the population is the predecessor of the Sunni Muslims. As the Arab Empire continued to expand, Sunni Muslims grew from the original Muslims of the Arabian Peninsula to Iraqis, Persians, Turks, Indians, and so on. In the early nineteenth century, Sunnis began to form a system of thought as a religious faction. Later, the Sunnis as an independent religious faction in the Islamic evolution of the process of development. Both Sunnis and Shiites are very different in doctrine and teachings. As Sunni teachings are relatively mild, relatively tolerant of the Muslims of all factions, with a wide range of social base. Because the Sunnis have championed all the fait accompli, they have been recognized and supported by many Khalifahs, including the Wumayeah, the Abbasids, and the Ottoman Empire, so Sunnis are widely spread and their believers are constantly increasing. Of the mainstream factions.
Sunnis have always been considered the Islamic orthodoxy, Islam has always been the largest number of a religious sect, has been the official support of the Middle East sects. The overwhelming majority of the population in Iraq is Muslim, with Shiite Muslims accounting for more than half. Sunni Muslims are a minority in Iraq. Most of the Middle East is a traditional Sunni Muslim country, and Iraq has a strong influence throughout the Sunni Muslim countries. Sunni internal there are still a variety of political tendencies, a variety of branch systems are also very much. Sunnis and Shi'ites have a big difference in their religious evolution. In Islam, the Sunnis are more focused on believing in the six basic principles and beliefs of God, Messenger, Classics, Angel, Armageddon, and the former, which include prayer, observance, worship, These five lessons. Sunni Muslims in the Middle East there are four major law school: Han Fei Fei, Malik, Shafei Yi and Han Barry. But in the Sunni Islam, these four factions are considered equal and lawful. The Koran, the Sunnah, the Gayas, and the Yima are the common theoretical foundations of these four schools of law .
Shi'a is one of the other major sects of Islam. "Shiite" from the Arabic "Shah" word, that is, the meaning of the party, that is, the Shiites are Ali's party. Shiite complete doctrines and teachings are not formed at once, it has gone through a long process of suffering. In the 18th century, Persian king Nieder tried to unite Sunni and Shi'ite, and failed. Shiites do not recognize the Sunni "six Hadith", and wrote his own "Four Hadith Set", more highlights the part of Ali. Shiites in Islamic history are not unified, is divided into twelve Imam faction, Ismail and Le Zhai Dele send three sects, and each branch to produce a series of branches.
Shiites in the history of the Middle East has a very important position in the current field of social life is a very important force. In the history of Islam, within 30 years after the death of Mohammed, the various tribes of the Arabian Empire ruling the struggle for the Caliphate throne. Fighting led to the Arab Empire within the same room to fight, disputes. AD 657, Ali army with the Syrian Mu'awiye army "Sui Fen battle" in Shiite history has special significance. Ali died, Muawiyah announced himself as the Caliph, Damascus in the establishment of the Omayyad dynasty, captured the imperial power. Since then, the Ali family and their followers in the struggle for the battle of Harry failed. The battle is a political struggle, the losers of the struggle to continue fighting for their own religious "sacred" basis, and gradually developed into their own sects, a direct result of "Shiite" generation.
In Iraq, there are more Shiite Muslims than Sunni Muslims. Shiite Muslims predominantly live in the southern region of Iraq, and the Kurds are radicals of Shiite Muslims in Iraq. In the history of Islam, since Shiite religious leader Ali was considered to be the orthodox successor, and later died because of the victims, so that Shiite Muslims in a certain level, the formation of a pessimistic plot and religious mysticism. Shiite Muslims often have extremist tendencies. And Iraq as a Shi'ite holy place, in 12 Imam, there are six Imam buried in Iraq, and these holy sites is crazy Shiite Muslims aspire to place. The rise of Shi'ites in Iraq will have a significant impact on the development of the situation in Iraq and in the Middle East.
Iraq is a typical Islamic state, Islam has been regarded as the state religion, Christianity is in addition to Islam beyond a major religion. For a long time, Sunni Muslim rule of Shiite Muslims has sparked discontent among the southern Shiite Muslim Kurds and is the main cause of frequent riots in the south. Since the Islamic revolution, Iran, one of the few Shiite Muslims in the Middle East, has long been dominated by Shiite Muslims. In the Iran-Iraq border, often due to different factions lead to regional conflicts.
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