Walden by Henry David Thoreau is a quiet and lonesome book. The book published in 1854, it mainly described the author’s two year and two months’ secluded on the shore of Walden Pond, in Concord, Massachusetts. Thoreau’s purpose of writing Walden is to encourage people to overlook their own life mode and thinking of it. The author’s work enlightened not only the writer, the environmentalist, but also the statesman, author made the readers from generation to generation aware of the height of human being’s spirit can be reach and the social limitations. The core concept is to advocate the simple life and harmonious coexistence between man and nature. The book reveals the ecological crisis and its social roots, unassuming sense of crisis. Walden emphasizes the importance of self-reliance, solitude, contemplation, and closeness to nature.
Walden is an excellent philosophy of life book, but fundamentally, it can expand our daily perspective, we can start learning from simple life. Through the book, we can not only access to the large quantities of animal and botanical knowledge, but also learned that the more knowledge of culture, geography and history. Read it, we can veritably feel the meaning and interest of life, and better touch the aesthetic silence. Walden is acknowledged as the most popular non-fiction novel in American literature. In fact, its readers fixed, always not too many readers, which probably loneliness in the deep heart. Even though, these kinds of lonely people may only read it before we realize the deep flavor. It narrative forms a mixture of proverbs, anecdotes and fables, which duality in expressing standpoint and thinking habit.
The first chapter (“Economy”), introduces the purpose of writing Walden, and intends to answer why the author living alone in a cabin near Walden Pond for two years. Most people hard-working to acquire luxuries, and does not lead to human happiness. In contrast, Thoreau chose to live in a simple and cheap house which built by himself, he found freedom and happiness. The second chapter (“Complementary Verses”), criticizes those who think that their poverty gives them some sort of unearned moral and intellectual superiority. In the third chapter (“Where I Lived, and What I Lived For”), Thoreau concludes: ‘‘But I would say to my fellows, once for all, as long as possible live free and uncommitted. It makes little difference whether you are committed to a farm or the county jail.’’ Thoreau urges the readers to simplify their lives so that they may live freely. In the fourth and fifth chapter (“Reading” and “Sounds”), Thoreau makes a case for reading good books and reading must be complemented by one’s direct life experience. In the sixth chapter (“Solitude”), Thoreau makes his case that the relationship of nature is more pleasant than that of humans, and that he could not possibly be lonely in nature because he is a part of it.
In the seventh chapter (“Visitors”), Thoreau’s visitors are Canadian woodcutter, whose upright thinking and love of life, and other visitors include men of business and farmers. In the eighth chapter(“The Bean-field”), Thoreau describes how he hoed and tended two acres of beans. The ninth chapter (“The Village”), depicts Thoreau's distress in visiting town every few days, where people's stares and eager to spread the rumor and where the attractions of pubs, stores, and shops are a allurement. He is always relieved to come back his cabin but worries that society will seek out wherever he goes. In the tenth chapter (“The Ponds”), Thoreau gives detailed descriptions of surrounding ponds, and finds Walden, with its pure clear water, to be the epitome of nature's gift. In the eleventh and twelfth chapter (“Baker Farm” and “Higher Laws”), Thoreau describes a visit to go fishing at Baker Farm and praises vegetarianism and labor.
The thirteenth chapter (“Brute Neighbors”), begins with a dialogue between Hermit, who represents Thoreau's contemplative nature, and Poet, who allures him to give up his contemplations. In the fourteenth chapter (“House-warming”), as the weather gets colder in October and November, he builds a chimney and plasters the inside of his walls. In the fifteenth chapter (“Former Inhabitants and Winter Visitors”), snow prevents Thoreau from venturing out. He instead reflects on the former inhabitants of the woods. In the sixteenth chapter (“Winter Animals”), Thoreau describes looking at the transformed landscape from the centers of lakes and seeing it in a new light and hearing animals, including owls and foxes chased by hounds. In the seventeenth chapter (“The Pond in winter”), Thoreau cuts holes in the ice of Walden, measuring the depth of the pond, which some people have called bottomless. In the eighteenth chapter (“spring”), the lake gradually begins to crack and break apart. The bird flies back and the trees become green. In the last chapter (“Conclusion”), Thoreau explains he left Walden because he had many more lives to live. He urges the readers to turn their inward spiritual world of self-discovery; to find achievement in nature rather than riches; and to face the truth and to come over the difficult in the life. He concludes with the story of a bug which emerged from the wood of a table after sixty years and hopes that people will likewise awaken and emerge into a new life. Thoreau’s “conclusion” is great contrast to the first chapter (“Economy”). “Economy” offered a blueprint about living one's life outside in a confined society, while “Conclusion” offers more spiritual opinion.
Generally speaking, Walden is an excellent book, Thoreau use the first person to narrate his experience on the shore of Walden Pond. It narrative forms a mixture of proverbs, anecdotes and fables, which made the book remarkable and attractive. The author use straightforward expression and picturesque description, in order to demonstrate his concept. The work is in accord with author’s writing purpose.
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