下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The racial discrimination,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了种族歧视。种族主义就像美国社会的癌症。美国是歧视最严重的国家,尤其是对黑人来说,种族主义已经渗透到社会生活的各个方面。美国黑人一直是少数民族中生活水平最低的人群,他们永远无法摆脱贫困。虽然美国人总是声称人人都会受到平等对待,但只是口头上说说而已,不会付诸实施。另外,美国人还制定了大量不平等的法律来歧视黑人。
Racism is like cancer of American society. Frankly speaking, racism is the issue of “black and white”, which was left hundreds of years ago. Superficially speaking, it is the issue of complexion. American is the country that discrimination presents the most, especially for blacks and racism has penetrated into every aspect of social life. American blacks have been ranked the lowest people among the national minority and can never get rid of poverty. Although Americans invariably claim that everybody will be treated equally, but only for verbal expression without being taken into effect. This paper is going to analysis the change taken by William’s thinking among those seven years who firstly feel optimistic for the US and like he finally belonged there and after seven years later he voluntarily went into exile from the perspective of American’ s history, specifically speaking, the views of discrimination on colored people.
So, where does the discrimination originate from?
The causes can be classified into the following three types. Firstly, it is the discrimination on American public people. In the sixties of 17th century, a great number of blacks were sold in North-American continent. In 1661, Virginia enslaved the blacks and make the black slavery legally. From then on, blacks had obtained the name of slaves. Although in 1862, Lincoln has issued the Emancipation declaration of black slaves and abolished the slavery, yet blacks were still regarded as dirtiness, ignorance and brutality. Secondly, after civil war, black people were set free and their citizenship was legally guarantee (William,P493) But due to the objection of white---some noble Americans , the supreme people’s court has denied that the decree of canceling the racial discrimination. In 1896, they reaffirm that they are separate but equal. “Sixty years of separate but equal” (Ta Nehish Coates, P.2014,) Lastly, after sixties of 20th century, the United States governments at all levels have unveiled an army of new regulations to avoid discrimination. But there still exists a great number of unequal phenomena.
The serious inequality that still exists between white people and black people is the very reason that causes the transference of Robert William from feeling optimistic about the US to voluntarily going into exile. The material has introduced the following several testimonies about the inequality existing between colored people and white people.
The kissing case
In October, 1958, two local colored boys named David Simpson and Hanover Thompson who respectively aged 7 and 9were arrested by the police for the reason of rape (William, P21). It is ridiculous that such age of boys could be accused of the rape crime. The fact is that they are playing games of “cowboys and Indians” with some white girls. One of the white girl called Sissy suddenly discovered that she had met her old playmate Hanover and so happy to see him that she kissed him on the check. Then she told her mother which made her mother so hysterical since she couldn’t tolerate that a white person could have such a close relationship with black people, so she called the police. Consequently the boy had been put into jail and couldn’t see anyone until the truth has been come out. After a few days later, when people found out what had happened, people tried every means to help the boys out including turning to NAACP, the national office and the civil rights lawyer. But they still didn’t do anything. After several months’ efforts and a series of complicated procedures, finally the boys have been released. It is a little reasonable that such a young boy could be put into jail for months just for being kissed by a white little girl in a game, which may be one of the reasons that William feel miserable about US and voluntarily goes into exile.
The struggle for militancy in NAACP
Robert William advocate that the Negroes can have the right to self-defense against racist violence, but this statement hasn’t aroused much attention of NAACP and he didn’t receive much help from them (William, P28). NAACP is short for National Association for the advancement of colored People which is an international organization consisted by both white people and black people to guarantee the human rights of black people. Since Robert William is an official of the organization, he couldn’t have such a violent statement, which may be considered as the organization stance, consequently he was suspended for six months’ time, after which he would be reinstated. William claimed that this organization aims to promote the equality between white people and black people on surface, but actually, they more or less favored white people and protect them. The reason why the organization paid little attention to William’s statement of advocating the black people meeting violence with violence against racists and made him suspension is that they are afraid of white people being attacked and hurt. Before, the organization promised him to let him reinstate after six months, but after he hold a re-election unanimously just because he didn’t want the NAACP national office to think that they were doing him a special favor. Finally he was sentenced to serve thirty days on the chain gang and handled his case up to the Supreme Court, but the Supreme Court dropped his case. So he appealed to the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee but they still up to the Supreme Court. Maybe this is also the reason that William went into exile.
Swimming pool case
In June of 1961, NAACP has decided to picket the town’s swimming pool which was built by WPA money but it was forbidden by black people (William, P6). Even though the black people asked for using the pool one day a week, this request has also been denied under a vague reason of there would be another swimming pool being built in four years but after four years, they didn’t implement in an excuse of fund deficiency. So the black people choose to start a picket line to close the pool which resulted in the unlawful violence by the white people, even the bullet. It is more ridiculous that when the black people appeal to the police to stop the firing, the police said that they hadn’t heard anything. This is a totally insulting action to the black people which can be considered as the reason for William feel disappointed about US.
Unequal rules
Except the facts that I have mentioned above, American has also set a large number of unequal laws to discriminate the black people. To name only a few, the Prohibition of Mixed Marriage Act which discouraged the marriage relationship established by people with different complexion, since in their opinion, white people are more noble than black people and they belonged to different levels of status. Moreover, they had enacted the Immorality Act which aims to confine and punish the intimacy and love relationship between different races. Additionally, they also have the Group Areas Act in which the government divided the whole country into different parts and mark out the areas where the black people couldn’t live in. Also, the Reservation of separate Amenities Act, which prohibited the different folks to share the same public service facilities such as bathroom, waiting room or parking lot…It’s reported and publicized on the newspapers that white people still look down upon on black people. They didn’t share the same bathroom with them and the black people can’t use the public equipment in the school.
From what I have sketched above, we can naturally come to the conclusion that in American black people was not treated equally with white people, they are seriously insulted and bullied by white people which can well explained the reason why Robert William’s transference from feeling optimistic for the US and like he finally belonged there and after seven years later he voluntarily went into exile.
Williams, Robert F. "Negroes with Guns." Wayne State Universi (1962).
Williams, Robert F. “Women, Gender, and the Culture Wars” A Coasting Party at Coney Island (1886).