本篇paper代写- Privacy as an Intrinsic Right讨论了隐私权的问题。隐私权是社会中每个人都渴望个性的一项内在权利。每个人都有自己的秘密,这是不可避免的,也是社会私有财产机制的要求。而要想保护用户的隐私,应该制定法律法规来保护公民的权利。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。
Privacy, which turns to be a big issue that is difficult to embody in a single sentence for almost everyone in the society, triggered a heated discussion that finally brought people’s concern for itself onto the table. Online surveillance that is reaching personal information on very PC as well as requiring people’s cooperation finally contributed to people’s confusion and concern about the security of their privacy. However, considering people’s attitude and neglect of the online privacy policies, it is very necessary for people to reconsider the status of privacy in order to shed effective on it again. Should it be defined as an intrinsic right due to its universality or is it a social construct as the consequence of the development of the society? To answer that, I would say, it is definitely an intrinsic right of everyone.
To explain the feature of its universality and the intrinsic value which allowed privacy to sublime into a right, I may illustrate form the perspectives of the humanity that is involved in the privacy. To use a commonly accepted definition of privacy, I may use the explanation form the wikipedia, which it is defined as “the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves, or information about themselves, and thereby express themselves selectively.”(Privacy) To search from the very primitive of privacy, it is obvious that privacy is born from people’s different experience that make them different from others. If people live in a communist society that everyone lives a sea life and there is no difference among everyone, there is no such concept of privacy as everyone knows what have happened on theirs. However, such life is not practical and difficult to conduct. The current society respects the individuality that allows people to share a public life but protect people’s personal lives. People learn different skills and they together shoulder the responsibility to build a comprehensive society. So that it is very natural and necessary that individuality remain important in the society. What’s more, the current mechanism of private property provide people personal space to maintain their difference. Every one is born with the right to protect their personal property and stay volunteer to talk about their personal property in some extent. Personal information and some personal life is included in the range of personal property, so that it is also people’s right to protect their personal information and lives, which also definite the meaning of the universality of privacy and the feature of its intrinsic value. Difference in personal life and property is so inevitable in the world we are living in, it is against humanity to deprive people’s right to show their individuality to the whole world without considering his personal feelings. To expose someone’s privacy is more like forcing him to give up his personal belongings. Only if someone commits crimes would be exposed his personal information, and such movements is also conducted as a form of punishment, which can also be regarded of depriving his right of privacy. Thus, one’s privacy should be treated as an intrinsic right that is born with due to its inevitable universality and the humanity that is involved in it.
However, people would argue that the forming of privacy is completely based on the social contract. The development of society requires different kinds of working force and individuality, which further arouse the consequences of different personal life with secrets and privacy. Also, from the economic construction of the society, the current situation of private property demands personal space that contributes to the protection of privacy. It is not difficult to connect privacy to development of construction of society, or it is better to treat privacy as a consequence of a social construction that admire individuality. Even though it is regarded as a right that allows alternative for individual to choose, people still choose to neglect the privacy policy voluntarily that would protect them from the leek of privacy just because the privacy policy is too long to finish reading. To fight back those point, I may say that such situation is true and it is happening everyday in this society, but I would still regard privacy as an intrinsic right that everyone should maintain. When a necessity is applied to everyone in the society, it then becomes a right instead of a necessarily. What’s more, though the service producer is trying hard in very methods to reach the personal information of the users, even in the way of making the private policy that is beneficial for themselves and has many leeks inside it very long and hard for users to read and force them to agree, it is not the users fault to neglect them. The users are just not careful enough to protect themselves from the tricks of the providers. In order to prevent this from happening again and protect the privacy of the users, laws and regulations should be made to protect citizens’ rights.(Zhao, 2004) Still, the people who holds opposite opinions would argue that even though laws and regulations are set, there are always criminals who spare every effort to often other’s privacy to benefit themselves. So that protections of certain defensive mechanism should be set by the users themselves to build a comprehensive and secure borderline, this is the only solution that can defend their privacy from being stolen. I have to confess that there are desperado that despise the power of law and justice in every fields of criminal, and the law could only protect the majority of the citizens. So that some of the citizens are still in danger of their privacy security. However, considering the feature of social construction still don’t change the form of privacy, this solution should not be taken into consideration. Once there is totally no protection in the form of law of regulation, the privacy issue would remain to a larger extent.
As a conclusion, the privacy is an intrinsic right for everyone in the society that craves for individuality. It is inevitably for everyone to have his own secrets, it is also a requirement of the private property mechanism of the society.
En.wikipedia.org. (2017). Privacy. [online] Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privacy [Accessed 6 Apr. 2017].
Zhao, Junlei. “(2004) On Legal Protection of Network Privacy Right." Journal of North China University of Technology.[Accessed 6 Apr. 2017].