
英国essay论文精选范文:“A Midsummer Night's Dream”,这篇论文讨论了莎士比亚的著名喜剧《仲夏夜之梦》。《仲夏夜之梦》,一个如梦似幻的名字,一看到这个名字就让人们浮想联翩。《仲夏夜之梦》主要讲述了一对有情人经过“魔汁”事件之后终成眷属的爱情故事,它是莎士比亚喜剧作品的代表作之一,对后世影响深远,被称作是莎士比亚最具浪漫主义色彩的喜剧。

A Midsummer Night's Dream,仲夏夜之梦,英国论文辅导,代写英国Essay,英国论文代写

A Midsummer night's dream tells the story of the "magic juice" causing conflict, and Jack shall have Jill's story after the conflict was resolved. Two guys Lysander, Demetrius while falling in love with pretty girls hemiya and hemiya in love with Lysander, her friend love Helena and Demetrius, four very disordered. Hemiya to oppose parents arranged suitor, came to agree well in advance of the forest. Helena will tell the news of Demetrius, two people also rushed to the forest.

Cepheus, Cassiopeia and serve their small fairies, fairies live in this forest, the fairy King of fairies at this time because of a new fighting over stolen page boy. Is in the angry fairy King of concessions to make the Fairy Queen and got the page boy, decided to let the Elves forced g took the legendary Mojo to tease the Fairy Queen. If this magic juice dripping on the sleeper on the eyelids, no matter the sleepers are male or female, wake is madly in love with his first sight of the creature.

Plot of the story as the emergence of this magic juice had a dramatic change of Mojo being mistakenly drops in on sleeping eyelids of Lysander, after waking up, he first saw accidentally broke in Helena, "faithless", in love with Helena, it hermia broke hearts. Mojo was also dropped on the Demetrius on the eyelids of sleeping, woke first saw were Elves introduce room Helena, so madly in love with Helena. Two equally beautiful and kind one driven by grief and frantic, one is blinded by surprise, and began to speculate even malicious slander each other, while the other two lovestruck young Helena duel in anger, this scene could not help but smile inside and out with emotion.

Fight of happiness is so hard and the fickle finger of fate, but the process has been painful and tragic in the fight, but has a happy and dramatic thing contained in it. In this story, the most dramatic episode would be counted later in Mojo and a break in the forest Weaver absurd "in love". This ludicrous Weaver was and several fellow artisan partners to the Queen and the Duke's wedding rehearsal in the forest, Elves forced g Weaver into a silly donkey, and the Fairy Queen in contact with magic juice when you wake up after seeing the poor guy. For Weaver, the "discovery" and turned into "Wang Fu" because he was of our fairy's favorite. This is something incredible, how funny, and it all depends on the Mojo power, the immortal King's will, and forced g naughty Elf. Later according to the King's will, Mojo magic will be removed, the lovers get married, and Cepheus and Cassiopeia was good again, the celestial and the return to peace in the world.

Semantic model refers to the dialogue between the characters of the language features in the works, Shakespeare in a Midsummer night's dream was designed in the semantic model. In works of Shakespeare before, usually convey emotion, goods, others indirectly, in Midsummer night's dream, before the change of expression, using a direct expression, through dialogues, expressed the emotions of the characters, real to the audience showing the characters ' emotions and character traits. Semantic mode help actor works in-depth understanding to better grasp the image of characters, you can deduce the characters on the stage and delicate emotions. The other hand, the semantic model can let readers and viewers into emotions to work, have a better sense of people into, as if the people can appreciate the characters to express various emotions.

Shakespeare under different scenarios, taking a variety of semantic models, sweet, sweet sounds of dialogue to show the love between two people in love, with a sharp mean, vicious harsh words to show the relationship between people's feud, with warm, soft and smooth words to show deep friendship between two people. Semantic model can allow readers to grasp the relationship between the characters and the audience, close relationship between the reader and the characters in the works of, provides insight into the emotions of the characters, have a more profound understanding of the work.

In many of the plays are widely used in the expression of irony, let the work takes on a secret and implicit irony, let readers and viewers own experience from the work as a whole, cannot be seen directly from the lines of work, ironically. In Midsummer night's dream, Shakespeare use irony in describing the tears and laughter, expressing the inner emotions of the characters in the works. In Shakespeare's works often appear in laughter and tears, but the laughter and tears are not real, only in the works to understand the real meaning of laughter and tears, feel what the writer wanted to express emotion, grasp the author's true intention. Use of irony is the Midsummer night's dream much welcomed one of the important reasons, this expression the work of thought and expression meaning, enhances the reading of works, an increase of readers and viewers to the work's interest.

Puns refer to authors in the writing process, full use of the different meanings of words and the same syllable and other conditions, creating a certain language environment, let the work statement has a dual meaning. Shakespeare in his work like using puns, in favor of the Midsummer night's dream, also in puns, attracting more readers and viewers, to jazz pieces and colorful. The same words you can understand the meaning of different, meaning the author wants to convey hidden and enhances the article's interesting, make articles more depth and humor to attract more readers, clearly show the characters ' inner feelings and thoughts. Shakespeare in a Midsummer night's dream in the use of puns, the rational use of the different meanings of words to show the characters ' feelings to the readers, will be a tragic work into a comedy, in some tragic scene characters played a joke on lines, caused the audience smile, obvious features, adding articles of comedy.

Romantic way is one of the basic methods of literary creation, and realism, along two main techniques of literary art, starting from the subjective inner world reflected objective reality, express their strong pursuit of an ideal world, often using passionate language, colorful imagination and exaggeration interesting writing techniques to shape the character. Shakespeare in a Midsummer night's dream with a romantic way to describe the complex relationships between four young men through humorous language to express the relationships between the characters. Language is the main form of romantic way Shakespeare crafted dialogue between the characters, especially the dialogue of love between two people, this Romance language enhances the romanticism of the article, was better known by works of love stories, you can give viewers a better sense, left a very deep impression to the audience.

A Midsummer night's dream takes place in ancient Greece, but the character with a distinctive flavor of the Renaissance, beyond time and space manipulation is used to show the author's rational thinking, enhances the romanticism of works, the author's expression of emotions more deeply. Shakespeare in this work describes some non-human characters, such as the King of fairy, fairies, elves and other, over to the work as a whole was a romantic, the story takes place is the Midsummer night forest, is an important part of nature, with a certain wild life, enhance the work of romanticism and fantasy, gives the work a kind of magic.

In a Midsummer night's dream, Shakespeare's plot was based on the real-life setting, which incorporates their own imagination, reality and fantasy very well together. The main clue is the love of two young, minor clue is relations between the King and the Fairy Queen, down to the main plot of the story in the secondary clues seem more vivid, enhances the readability of the work. Author also in works in the manufacturing has suspense, initially pulled mountain de, and Di Mite law Republika while falls in love with has beautiful girl hemiya, Helena and love with Di Mite law Republika, let readers and audience for Helena of happiness deep concerns; in later occurred has dramatic of a scene, Lysander, and Di Mite law Republika because magic juice of magic while falls in love with has Helena, to Helena big offered attentive, then readers and audience and began concerns hemiya of happiness, sympathy she of suffered. Set up these suspense plots with repeated ups and downs, attracting the reader's interest in reading and look forward to subsequent plot development, enhances the work interesting.

A Midsummer night's dream is first and foremost about the complex relationship between two young, just refer to the Queen and the Duke's wedding, Weaver appeared in the text after this logical, does not appear to be so abrupt, if not weavers do not appear simultaneously Demetrius back and hemiya love to win victory scenario. If Elves forced g no magic juice in Demetrius's eyelids, so lovers won't get married in the end, there will be no perfect finale. Small Elf forced grams in joke in the makes weaving workers into has a funny of stupid donkey, and let fairy Hou falls in love with has this poor of weaving workers, clever set has story of plot, added has whole Department works of comedy color, promoted has story plot of expand, for fairy King lifted magic juice of magic lay has based, also for last perfect ending of appeared do has a bedding.

William Shakespeare was the Renaissance United Kingdom one of the great playwright and poet, has created a number of dramatic works, including a Midsummer night's dream is the most mature of his youth comedies, is also one of his most famous comedies. Mainly tells the story of the lovers of the Midsummer night's dream after the "magic juice" after get married love story generated significant social repercussions, far-reaching impact on future generations, was described as the most romantic comedies of Shakespeare. This work has formed its own unique language, in the comedy contains a profound philosophy of life, allowing readers to better understand the content of the work, you can understand the author's intention.



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