

时间对国际贸易的影响,On international trade,英国论文辅导,代写英国Essay,英国论文代写

Traditional international trade mainly studies the impact of trade barriers such as tariff and non-tariff barriers, economies of scale and monopolistic competitive advantage on international trade. With the strengthening of multilateral cooperation and the dominance of multinational companies in the international market nowadays, the international transportation cost, the trade convenience, the time cost and so on have become the important factor which affects the international trade, among them the time factor has the non-negligible influence power for the contemporary international trade. The generalized time refers to the whole value-added process from the supplier selection at the beginning of the value chain to the final product sale at the end. The narrow time refers to the process from the preparation of related documents to the transportation.

The study of time as a factor influencing international trade is supported by the theories of international trade. One of the most significant theories is the theory of comparative advantage. The theory of comparative advantage holds that trade between countries and international division of labor is based on the comparative advantages of countries. Countries produce and export products with comparative advantages, and time can be seen A technical factor in comparative advantage, such as China's comparative advantage in producing labor-intensive products, can save a lot of time and cost if China's labor produces more and more goods per unit. Of the competitive advantage

In today's fierce competition in the international market, the cost of time has become the major multinational companies have to consider the issue of time on the impact of international trade is multifaceted, specifically including the following aspects:

Time as a concept, in the international trade negotiations have a very important impact. On the one hand, international trade needs to deal with different countries. Therefore, it is very important to understand the host country's international business environment in international trade, especially the management of transnational corporations, and to carry out cross-cultural management effectively. In international trade, inevitably, Is the negotiation process, the negotiation between the implementation of the understanding of the other side of the degree of control for the opening of a good negotiating situation is of great significance, such as: Americans are very time concept, so the negotiations with the Americans to strictly observe the time , Cannot be late; and negotiations with the Islamic countries is the concept of time will show its importance; In addition, the negotiation part of the adequacy of preparation to a large extent determine the success of the negotiations, so the negotiations between the use of a large number of Time to collect information in order to dominate in the negotiation process, rather than passively led by the other side of the nose.

Time has an important influence on the choice of modes of transportation in international trade. Transportation is divided into road, rail, air, water, pipeline five basic ways, according to the value of goods shipped, features, time requirements, and so choose the different modes of transport. The following are the current modes of transport in the proportion of international trade situation:

It can be seen from the pie chart that water transport has always dominated international trade, but in recent years, with the upgrading of international trade structure, the rapid response of some industries to market requirements and the reduction of air transport costs make air transport in international transport In the sudden emergence of air transport compared to water transport is characterized by fast, safe and efficient, but its drawback is the small traffic and vulnerable to climate, so if the time factor into account, you need to transport timely and small And easily packaged products can choose the way of air transport, such as: Apple mobile phone parts, small packaging LTL objects, large volume, not to packaging and time-insensitive items are still in the water show a cost advantage, For example: iron ore, coal, timber and other bulk cargo transport. These are the effects of time requirements on the choice of modes of transport in the country's trade.

Time has an important influence on the geographical structure of international trade. Multinationals are now dominating international trade, while multinationals generally use global production and sourcing strategies. By stalling 10 percent of trade time, they can reduce trade by 5 percent, so that the cost of time is a factor affecting multinational corporations Procurement and production location selection is a very important factor. In the international market, there are many uncertainties, so multinational companies in the global scope of procurement and production time will take into account the cost of time, the market demand for instability, uncertainty, industry multinational companies in the choice of Time will tend to close to their production or procurement from the headquarters near the place to set up factories, these performance is the time as an intangible cost for international trade in the geographical structure of the most significant form of expression, that is, through multinational companies Of global production and procurement decisions to influence the geographical structure of international trade.

Based on the above analysis of the impact of time on international trade, we can see that the importance of time in international trade is of great theoretical and practical significance. So in international trade in the use of a good time strategy.

First of all, in the face of different countries to grasp the concept of time from this point of view, in negotiations with other countries when the time difference to accommodate each other, calmly deal with the concept of time caused by different conflicts and unpleasant, before the negotiations should also be Make sufficient preparations, in the negotiation process reasonable to grasp their own time, in full understanding of the object of negotiations, in the negotiation process calmly, for occupation initiative position.

Secondly, in today's increasingly cost-effective case, in the air transport play an increasingly important role in the reality, in order to gain a competitive advantage, to increase investment in the field of air transport, while in the port construction Investing in important forces to gain a competitive advantage in the most important of the two modes of international transport.

Finally, in the time cost for the production and procurement of multinational corporations in the impact of view, to make their comparative advantage rather prominent, to cultivate their own core competitive advantage cannot be copied, the use of a unique comparative advantage to offset as much as possible the international market uncertainty, Thereby gaining a competitive advantage.



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