
英国essay论文精选范文:“The Black hole”,这篇论文讨论了黑洞。最早对黑洞这个概念的思考始于18世纪。有人想到,如果有质量足够大的恒星,它的逃逸速度甚至比光速还要大,那么它就无法被人观测到,成为一颗无法被观测到的完全黑暗的恒星。直至今日,对所有人来说,黑洞仍然是一个充满神秘色彩的星体。

Black hole,黑洞,英国论文辅导,代写英国Essay,英国论文代写

What kind of black holes, according to current knowledge I'm afraid is far from enough to make accurate predictions, all theories can neither be confirmed nor be falsified, so speculation about their inner world can be said to be relatively "safe". Here, I have to make a guess.

Physics defines the "blackbody" the ideal object, it absorbs all wavelengths of radiation. Of course, if it is full black body, as it will absorb all incident electromagnetic wave, we will not be able to study it, so usually portrayed black is not the ideal blackbody, but similar to the bold. And, we recognize that there is no ideal blackbody, this means that we measure the resulting radiation spectrum is biased and ideal conditions predicted. However, there is a radiation spectrum is almost ideal in full compliance with, and that is the spectrum of the cosmic microwave background radiation.

If you want to study a perfect blackbody, we of course cannot be observed outside the black, but if the observer will not have problem in the black body, perhaps this can be derived "our universe was a bold" such a conclusion. However, the black is like? As far as I know, the black hole is the most powerful alternate.

Because they could not direct observations of the black hole, so it is the existence of this issue has been disputed in the scientific community for a long period of time. But now, through indirect methods of observation to some measurement of black holes. Due to the movement of some stars seem attracted by the massive stars and can't find the star, you can indirectly predicts there is a black hole.

If we assume that the universe is in the midst of a black hole, so it is easy to think that the black holes should be on a "outer layer" of the universe, and the "outer space" is still in the midst of a black hole, black hole exists in a "outer layer" of the universe. The idea and the multiverse theory is somewhat similar, but the universe is not parallel, but affiliation.

In view of our universe should be subject to the same laws of physics, that a corollary of the "outer layer of black holes" supermassive black holes in the universe is different with us, should also have similar behavior. With our black hole analogy, as you can imagine this "outer layer of black hole" constantly engulfed everything around looks like. These corrupted material does not fall into the center of the black hole, but on the event horizon of a "freeze", thus preventing the US will continue to spew out new matter in the universe. The inhaled substance in the "outer layer of black holes" between the gravitational field of event horizon and boundary formed a band. Quality of every black hole of this band should be different, but the vast majority, as you can imagine, the quality is great. Black hole cut off all electromagnetic signals, but cannot override the massive ring with the effects of gravity. This band of "outer black hole" within our universe will also have an impact.

The most direct role you can think of is to attract. As we know, is speeding up the expansion of the universe, which is why we predict dark energy is one of the biggest under. Because the universe of substances attract each other, people thought that should be in the expansion of the universe after a while begins to shrink. But observation overturned the view, this forced people to propose "invisible energy that should exist" this theory to explain the phenomenon.

The premise of the idea before we can change it for a way to explain the problem. If the "outer Cosmos" band part can affect the internal, then this part of the quality of the effects of gravitational potential energy, of matter in our universe began to accelerate. The quality of this band due to possible changes in the behavior of black holes, we change in acceleration of the expansion of the universe. Ring of black holes in our universe nature of the measurements and comparison with the change of acceleration of the accelerating expansion of the universe may be able to verify this prediction.

In 1916, Albert Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves. Earlier this year, the success of gravitational wave detection people came into contact with it.

A long gravitational waves detection is a very difficult task, one of the reasons is that it is too weak, that it's easy to be covered by any signals in the environment. Gravitational wave detection relies on the interference of light principle. Two long cavity of the laser, in the cavity under the influence of gravitational wave cavity length change, resulting in laser optical path difference changes, will make fringe move, so as to detect gravitational waves. This year comes from the black hole was detected gravitational waves produced by fusion.

M-theory, our universe in a higher-dimensional membranes, and there may be additional dimensions. Almost all the things in the universe are bound in the membrane, while gravity is the exception. Gravitons are described as closed



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