下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- American spoof news culture,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的恶搞新闻文化。恶搞新闻文化最早产生于美国,这与美国特有的代际更替和幽默文化不无关系。美国的恶搞新闻文化具有宣泄性和解构性等多重话语性质,它建构了一种另类的话语体系。恶搞新闻文化是一种对权威化和霸权话语等进行颠覆的狂欢化的话语模式,通过撕裂现实逻辑链条以造成异样效果,消解主流媒体所营造的官方的、正统的立场。
The onion news is famous for its humor and satire. It creates fake news based on real news events. In contrast to traditional media editing, the onion selects the headline and then spins a story around it. Headlines go through a second round of screening by editorial staff before they are finalized. After selecting the headline, the next step is to frame the story. The authors meet to discuss the main thread of the story, test whether the material is funny or not, and pursue depth in the spoof, not simply irrationality. The onion's most famous spoof came in May 2005, when an Arizona man made a monkey out of President George w. bush by hacking into his credit card Numbers and all his pin Numbers. Not only did he use bush's credit card to go berserk, but he vetoed a congressional bill as President. Most bizarre of all, the fake bush even signed an aid deal with Mexican President vicente fox. It wasn't until the FBI stepped in that the hoax was finally exposed. The onion also warned: "the worst thing that could happen is if someone USES bush's identity to direct air force one to any part of the world. All countries should take note that any future visit by the us air force one would be best served by expulsion or shooting it down for security reasons.
"Kuso", also known as "Kuso", is the Japanese pronunciation, meaning "hateful", "shit" meaning, is used to vent dissatisfaction with a kind of colloquial language. The spoof culture is to deconstruct the serious theme and construct the entertainment culture of comedy or satire. The common form is to re-release some established topics and programs after they are adapted, which is a technique of secondary creation. Spoof culture is mainly popular among young people, generally spread through the Internet. In Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, the United States and other places, film and television, music, pictures, text and other forms of spoof culture, but the wind of spoof into the field of journalism first appeared in the United States, which has something to do with the unique social and cultural environment of the United States.
The social reason behind the spoof news culture is the intergenerational change. Sun longji describes western society: "each generation has completely established itself after it has grown up, allowing its' sex 'to germinate in an all-round way. At the same time, the old generation has been completely eliminated and its position fully accepted. In addition, in order for one's own independent personality to emerge, one must gradually eliminate the shaping of one's own character by the previous generation in the process of growing up, so that the self emerges -- and this is the only way to build the 'self' into a strong introspective base. He believed that the intergenerational relationship in the west was "broken", and each generation would show magnificent new things, new horizons and new horizons to challenge the authority and status of the previous generation. "The onion" news is also a kind of cultural form in which the new generation challenges the previous generation. Let's take a look at the composition of the onion readers. Sixty-four percent of the onion's readers are between the ages of 18 and 44, and a third say they have personal liquid assets of more than $100,000. Half go to bars regularly. Fifty-six percent of readers are men and 44 percent are women. The Washington post, once in the article pointed out that: "we have always thought that the main force of those boring office worker is a parody of the empire, but in fact, more young high school and college students has become a parody of wide sources, they provided material, creative, really hard to imagine this batch of less than 20 years old young man will have such a high enthusiasm and motivation".
The author believes that the rich and developed humor culture is the unique factor that the spoof culture first enters the news field in the United States. In the United States, a sense of humor is often one of the criteria to judge whether a person is attractive or not. Scholars in the rostrum, officials in the venue, if the witty remarks such as beads, people laugh, it must be extraordinary generosity and intelligence. If the speech is read in a serious manner, the face muscle cramps stiff, the listener tired of listening to leave the table. They do not force others more than they force themselves. In the literary world, there are humorists in America, among whom Mark Twain, James Thurber and cy Joel perelman are outstanding representatives. In 1999, the onion's "our century of ignorance," a collection of comical stories that parodied 20th-century news, won the New York times best-seller award. The onion's success in a depressed market reflects a growing appetite for satirical news.
In the late 1940s, the freedom of the press commission told reporters to pursue "a true, comprehensive and intelligent account of the events of the day in the context in which they were given meaning." At the same time, the commission said: "the report of an isolated fact, however accurate and misleading it may be, turns out to be untrue." It can be seen that the authenticity of traditional journalism professionalism requires two levels of meaning: one is that the facts reported are accurate; Second, the report is the truth of the truth, because when the truth is false, it is deceptive, even if the truth is truthfully reported, but it can not reveal the truth of things. Clearly, "the onion" violates the first meaning of journalistic professionalism. Since truthful reporting may not reflect the truth, go the other way. The onion is the brainchild of writers. Not only that, but a spoof fans also notice in writing to the news facts instead of "the news" to achieve the purpose of unhealthy tendencies, this makes the "onion" provides insights into the reader cannot obtain elsewhere, such as the international fraudsters Obama with $85 million out of the United States, "Mr Bush's new dentist faces difficult at the hearing, and" Julie who is running for President 9 ? 11 ", readers from elsewhere so really can't find the wonderful "scoop". The onion sticks to the second meaning of journalistic professionalism. Even if false facts do not, in theory, tell the truth 100%, just as true facts do not tell the truth 100%, the onion sticks to an alternative truth. As David mexes, co-founder of BBS, an onion fan, said: "these spoofs don't just come out of the box. "It's the need to create something with your own head and create something new every day that appeals to young people the most. The onion's professional fake journalism is similar to traditional journalism professionalism. Since neither true facts nor false facts can fully reflect the truth of things, there is no essential difference in reporting true and false news. The new interpretation of journalistic professionalism by "onion" has been engraved with the imprint of postmodernism.
Robert Niles, editor in chief of online news review website www.newscounters.com, attributes the success of spoof news outlets like the onion to their ability to break the hypocrisy of traditional media. Audiences' approval of the onion seems to have something to do with their dissatisfaction with orthodox news services. American spoof news culture is characterized by grassroots, catharsis and deconstruction. It constructs an alternative discourse system, as Fiske puts it, "skeptical laughter, which provides the pleasure of doubt and the pleasure of undeceived. This public happiness, which 'sees through' their essence, is the result of centuries of submissiveness that people have not allowed to develop into submissiveness. Spoof news culture is a kind of means of bringing order, authority and subversion of the ultimate truth, hegemonic discourse carnival discourse pattern, through the tear reality logic chain to cause different effect, digestion mainstream media official, orthodox, created by the inherent stance, which blurs the official and folk, sacred and vulgar, noble and humble, great and small, clever and stupid boundaries between reality and virtual sex, instant and normal become hazy.
The culture of spoof news is also the product of the long-term lack of public opinion "export" of cultural populism. Since "public opinion" cannot be properly reflected in mainstream media or discourse for a long time, populism and "combined with entertainment ism form spoof and heckling culture". This tendency towards populism represents the democratic and power demands of the grassroots, and contains popular resistance in the complex social environment. On November 5, 2010, the onion ran an article that said, "American citizens will elect a President worthy of their election at the 112th election." The article reflects the American people's strong dissatisfaction with the lack of personal income increase, tax reduction and reduction of medical expenses in the two years since Obama took office. "In societies with high levels of heterogeneity, a lack of social justice and sharp class contradictions, the tension between elites and the masses is enough to create powerful populism. It is easy for populists to blame the elites and the privileged for the corruption and exploitation of the masses.
In the 1970s, lanu ingorh put forward the theory of "post-materialism", believing that people who live a rich material life will put personal progress, freedom and civil rights granted by the government in an important position. They demand a humanitarian society and want to maintain a clean and healthy environment. However, the emergence of "post-materialism" indicates that while the whole society becomes rich, the middle class gradually disappears and the gap between the rich and the poor intensifies. The disappearance of the middle class lies in the fact that the whole society becomes richer, which tears the middle class apart and develops towards polarization. The middle class with better ability continues to move to the upper class of the society, while the lower class gradually combines with the lower class in the society. We can see that Chinese society is currently experiencing such a division. In China, which is undergoing rapid social transformation, spoof culture has been widely seen on BBS, SNS website, QQ and weibo with the rapid development of the Internet. Due to the special news control in China, the spoof news culture is difficult to produce, but there are some people who try it. In 2006, a parody of the "hey! News center" on sina's home page went viral online, and the site was shut down because of pressure from sina. Now, a website called onion window, a parody of the onion, has sprung up to spin stories. We can see that the comedy thinking and critical spirit hidden in the serious absurdity of parody news culture contains its existence value in the period of social transformation and reform after eliminating the false while preserving the true.
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