英国essay论文精选范文:“The Jealousy”,这篇论文讨论了嫉妒心理。嫉妒心理是一种常见的心理现象,是一种普遍、消极的社会心理,也是自然产生的情感。嫉妒心理层次多样、特征明显、形式丰富、危害严重。我们要长久地与嫉妒作斗争,以化解其消极方面,使其朝着积极、有益的方面转化。
Francis Bacon had cautioned: "in human flesh, have two of the most deceptive of the mind, this is love and jealousy. "People dedicated to flowers and praise the love curse leaving prejudice and jealousy. In the Bible, people called envy the "evil eye" in astrology, people called envy as "Star-crossed". Obviously, people regard jealousy as ominous. So, what is jealousy?
English word is the word jealousy jealousy, it originated in Greece language "Zelos", meaning "competition" and "hostile". In the Oxford English Dictionary, it is understood as: because of doubt, fear, or known competitors arising out of mental state. In terms of love, the fear of emotion was an alternate, or mistrust of the sweetheart's loyalty, especially to his wife, husband or lover. This understanding implies a friendly competition. In the dictionary of Chinese in China, "envy" was explained as hating people than myself, "jealousy" explanation for those who bury the virtues. Jealous so we can be understood as complaining, hate in some way in excess of his people, is a blow to others, raise their own exclusive, is a kind of animosity towards competitors, have obvious negative implications. By comparison, we can see that: while the Western understanding of jealousy have some differences, and there are limitations, but on the whole, jealousy is a generating in others beyond your own including resentment, dissatisfaction, and the negative emotions, fears and other ingredients.
In fact, the envy is inevitable accompaniment of the process of individual existence and development, is a universal negative social mood, in our life and work, he unknowingly. In a sense, we all live with jealousy, not you envy, is jealous of others.
Shakespeare once said: "jealousy is the Green-eyed monster, who made it to the prisoners, who will be fooled. "Bacon said:" jealousy is the most human suffering, the most difficult made poor mood. "Indeed, the jealous sex is everywhere negative. In addition to slight jealousy, a most jealous will vent and show it in some form, including resentment, ridicule, slander, alienation and framed. Some people even jealousy too, finally got "black helicopters." But jealousy and a complexity, for intelligent people, and they also felt the jealousy, but often through pain, will be able to recover. Because truly smart people are not ashamed to admit his jealousy, and instead will only recognize and envy of the hazard as soon as possible so that they stood on the stage of life without any shame great works.
Jealous belonging to lower socio-psychological categories. It was formed under the influence of environmental education of the day after tomorrow, is a reflection of society, is the comparison of a psychological imbalance people. Envy for many reasons, but all in all, both the subjective and objective aspects.
Wang Anshi, song statesman said: "jealousy was born in anything. "Each of us has to in some way beyond the wishes of others, but cannot come true. When this is not implemented, we will easily lead to frustration, which leads to resentment and envy for others.
Many people in the community cannot be an objective understanding of the differences between themselves and others, incorrectly valued their abilities, hopes are too high, when compared with others. This once to see other people get much more than their own, there is deprivation, eventually triggering jealousy. It can be said that this kind of misunderstanding is a manifestation of one.
Envy of the key is a "private" is used. It reflects a self-centered, inconsiderate and collective interest, only consider personal consequences of egoism. This outcrop, with resentment, and jealousy will go hand in hand.
Production of absolute egalitarianism is the envy of social conditions. Influence of China's traditional Confucian thought for a long time, embraced the golden mean, advocate egalitarianism, against the competition. These cultural traditions rooted in the human heart, and provide soil and hotbed for jealousy. Hegel said: "there are jealous people finish a great career, it should try to underestimate others great, lessened the greatness of others and their interests aligned. "This is a prominent reflection of the small absolute equalitarianism.
The existence of private ownership is the social roots of jealousy. Envy was first produced in slave society, with private ownership, it does not exist in yuanshigongchanzhuyishehui. Once the social consciousness based on the selfish, selfish, jealous also came. Thus, jealousy is the ownership society. Of course, it will die out with the demise of private ownership. Only the Elimination of the class base on which it, people can completely get rid of this "cancer of the soul" effect.
Education mistakes is an important factor leading to jealousy. Some jealousy is the upbringing of misled. Whether family, school or community, as long as the education of the younger generation there is bias or injustice, their jealousy will most likely produce.
Jealousy is a general psychology. To some degree, or a point of view, today's social environment is that it's a hotbed. We all unconsciously jealous of others or being jealous of others. Therefore, the recognizing the level of jealousy, it is helpful for us to diagnose and control the emotions. Generally speaking, jealousy can be divided into three levels.
This is a subconscious jealousy, tend to be buried deep inside, easy to detect. This is a kind of envy, competition and envy mix of psychological factors, such as natural heritage, it is often said that the "jealous", the hazy, a little sour.
Jealousy has risen to conscious envy stage, usually reflected in behavior, such as alienation, apathy, sarcasm, ridicule, and play small wrists. In severe cases, libel, slander or attack occurs. Its purpose is to combat the others raise their. So is the need for timely control.
Jealousy is pathological, is beyond the control of disease. Often characterized by rampant attacks others or commit suicide, extremely serious consequences. Lu Xun's Ah-Q is an irrational man. He is good or bad, all they have and others do not, to overwhelm the capital, while others have not, he cannot accept, even the sound of chewing lice than King beard he was mad. Such psychological treatment, or it will cause serious consequences.