英国essay论文精选范文:“Food preservation methods”,这篇论文讨论了食物保存的方法。无论是古代,还是现代,食物的保存对于我们来说都是一件非常重要的事情。古代关于食物保存的著名例子就是古代帆船上的咸肉和咸牛肉。而现代,我们的食物一般放在冰箱里保存,按照不同的食物分类,分开保存。
Long before refrigeration was became such an important part of modern life, people had to find ways to preserve meat for survival. Most early hunter/gatherer societies were dependent on the availability of wild animals for food, clothing, and tools. As human beings developed the technology to increase efficiency in hunting and bringing down large animals, the knowledge and technology to safely preserve meat for long periods of time was also developed. Early attempts at civilization could not have been successful until improved efficiency in food production and preservation was developed.
There are several examples of ancient societies that learned how to preserve meat and other food items enabling them to develop and expand complex forms of civilization. The first well known example of meat preservation that comes to mind is salt pork and salt beef being used on ancient sailing vessels to extend the range ships could sail out to sea. History also informs us that salt pork was very important in the American Civil War. Salt pork was the primary food of both the Federal Army the Confederate Army. Salt beef was not as popular as salt pork because of taste, and because it did not remain in a usable condition as long. There are many references to bacon being available in those days, but in reality what the old timers called bacon was sliced salt pork.
Historically, the value of salt cannot be overstated. Our bodies need a certain amount of salt everyday for us to survive. Besides deposits of salt that can be found in nature, salt can be obtained by heating and evaporating water in a pan. If a large enough deposit can be found, salt can be mined, or pumped out of wells dug or drilled into salt deposits. Early man found that by soaking his food supplies in salt the food would be preserved, and be useful for a long period of time. This discovery made salt a very valuable commodity that could be traded for other commodities that people needed. By using salt, foods like beef, pork, fish, butter, and many others could be harvested and preserved for consumption when supplies of fresh food were not available.
Long before the European entrance into the New World Native American people were preserving meat in several different ways. The availability of game animals and fish in different parts of the continent dictated what these people were able to kill and preserve. Where fish were available, smoked fish was very important. Large fish like salmon would be attached to pieces of wood and placed over a fire absorbing the smoke into the meat. Native American people made jerky out of many different game animals and fish. The meat would be cut into strips and covered with salt and set out to dry. The most interesting method for preserving meat was a food that was called pemmican. Pemmican is made by grinding up meat that has been dried, mixing it with berries that have been ground up, and adding animal fat that had been rendered. This mixture may not sound too appetizing to us today, but it was a food with great value to early American people.
Pioneers living in the northern areas of the North American continent found an ingenious way to keep foods cold throughout the year by using river and lake ice. During the long cold winter months, hard working people would go out to the nearest river, stream, or lake and cut large squares of ice and transport them to a large icehouse. Straw would be packed around the ice to minimize melting as the weather turned warmer in the spring and summer. Ice packed this way would last through most of the summer. Each day families would go to the icehouse and get a piece of ice small enough to fit into well insulated icebox that was kept in the home. This is how food was preserved before the invention of electricity and refrigerators. Even today many people still refer to the refrigerator as the icebox.
There is still an idyllic picture in our minds of an ice peddler with an old horse pulling an ice wagon traveling around town putting ice in a box by the front door of people's homes. This picture should impress upon your mind how important it was for the people in this picture to learn how to make the available food last as long as possible. The preservation of food is the most important human survival skill that people can learn.
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