下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The influence of network development on news communication,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了网络的发展对新闻传播的影响。互联网现代信息技术的不断发展,拓宽了信息的传播渠道,并且具有传统媒体无法比拟的优越性。但互联网时代的新闻媒体也存在很多问题,像用词夸大、观点偏颇的新闻每天都在传播着,这些新闻根本就没有价值可言。
The development of modern Internet Information technology has broadened the communication channel of information and has incomparable superiority of traditional media. In the World Culture report, the concept of network media has been defined: modern information technology, especially the advent of the Internet, has changed the way of human life. The computer based on the internet has changed the living space of human beings, and has changed the time, space and related expressions of human being, so the media technology is summed up: Informatization and digitalization.
In the form of communication, a total of 4 changes have been experienced, namely, verbal, textual, printing and Internet communication, which are changing the way people communicate. And the audiences are becoming more and more popular, for example, in the 40 years of broadcasting, the audience reached 50 million people, in this data, the television transmission mode is only 15 years, and the Internet based computer has been completed in three years before the amount has been done. When time comes to 21st century, the world's internet users have reached 320 million people.
The continuous development of information technology such as the Internet has played a positive role in the social change, especially in the social, political and economic development, and more important is the constant influence of the people's logical thinking.
The network medium has the positive function in the information dissemination, and has many advantages, and has the superiority which the traditional media cannot compare. In the perspective of communication, the detailed analysis can be drawn: the emergence of the network is the dissemination of technology has become more optimized and diversified. Experts and scholars in the process of the study to draw a conclusion, the future media media will be television, newspapers, broadcasting as one of the media era. Therefore, the traditional media has been impacted by the technical, and it has many advantages. Mainly as follows:
Compared with the traditional media, the internet has a variety of symbolic unity in communication, it is not single, it can be video, animation, pictures, text, images and other integration of communication to form a multi-media characteristics.
The main feature of news media is timeliness, and to overcome the obstacles of time and space, the traditional media in the process of collecting and releasing information will have some hindering factors, it is difficult to timely release relevant news and information. The wide application of Internet technology, so that the world can receive relevant information, and break through the constraints of time and space, and let the media play a positive role in the dissemination of good results.
Capacity problem determines that it can carry more content and less, the Internet in information storage capacity is larger, and there is infinite, so in the dissemination of information has a large capacity advantage, not limited by space.
Mutual integration makes the network communication have more communication points and audiences, broke the traditional media mode of communication, has become a variety of mutual integration of the mode of transmission.
The network information technology in the unceasing development and the rise, there are some short board and the development restriction factor, therefore must carry on the analysis, can better propose the concrete solution measure.
The internet age of the news media in the content will appear more irregular, such as the use of words exaggerated content. In particular, the editor of the Network on the news reports, the lack of original news, the phenomenon of homogeneity, although many, but the quality is difficult to guarantee, and most of the views are biased.
Most of the news reports on the Internet lack supervision, and some Web pages will write exaggerated reports in order to Bo People's eyeballs, which are seriously inconsistent with the facts and lack a certain depth to convince the reader.
The network has the openness and diversity, which will bring new problems to the news communication in our country, especially the authoritative media organization, so the audience will question the content of the news report and finally become the spam information, which has no value to the readers.
In the news dissemination to break the previous propaganda as the goal of the model, for the audience to create more valuable news. In the 80 's, the audience of news was aware of the Basic Law of the development of news media in its dissemination value. Due to the advent of the Internet era, we must take the needs of the audience, strictly control the emergence of the report and the actual discrepancy, so that more valuable news in the community, and finally reach the value of the promotion and the mutual integration of values.
Let the news media play a positive role in advocacy. The traditional news media mainly focus on publicity, and the news must be promoted as the starting point. Under the guidance of such a view, let the news media become the propaganda layout, cannot conform to the fact, in the language application also uses propaganda as the goal. Internet news must be found in the news value, so that people get more useful information.
Expand the scope of news coverage, and constantly promote the reform of the news. Under the guidance of the value of propaganda and the value of news, the scope of news coverage is constantly enlarged and the content is enriched. Let network news in free space play a positive role.