
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- The influence of age on second language acquisition,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了年龄对第二语言习得的影响。通常人们普遍认为年幼的儿童要比成年人更擅长习得第二语言,为此,很多学者都进行了相关研究。在第二语言的学习中,成年学习者学习开始阶段在学习速度方面很有优势,特别是在语法、词汇等方面,但是他们后期可能会被儿童超过。而语音方面,儿童则更善于掌握良好的语音。总的来说,年龄因素只是影响第二语言习得的一个重要因素,并不是决定因素。

second language acquisition,第二语言,assignment代写,paper代写,留学生作业代写

In recent years, many scholars have been studying the influence of age on second language acquisition, among which some scholars believe that the sooner they acquire a second language, the better the results. However, some scholars believe that adults can acquire a second language better by working hard. This assignment expounds the viewpoints of different scholars, and argues that age is not the key determinant of second language acquisition, and it only has a certain effect on the acquisition of second language. In the daily practical teaching, should according to the learner's own characteristic to choose more suits the individual education way.

In recent years, more and more people are keen to acquire a second language. Second language acquisition, as we speak here, refers to the second language acquisition in the context of teaching. Therefore, the influence of age on second language acquisition becomes a hot issue in the field of second language acquisition research. It is generally accepted that young children are better at acquiring a second language than adults, and many scholars have done so.​

The concept of "critical period hypothesis" proposed by Lenniberg has exerted far-reaching influence on the study of SLA. The critical period hypothesis holds that young children have an advantage in acquiring a second language. This is due to physiological factors. Lenniberg that the key period of language acquisition is between two years and adolescence, and once the critical period of language acquisition is missed, it will not be as successful as the learners in the critical period, and it is easy to produce foreign cavities.

The concept of critical period hypothesis is mainly aimed at the acquisition of mother tongue, and this hypothesis has been widely accepted by scholars. Many scholars hold different views on the concept of critical period hypothesis. Among them, the scholars who support the critical period hypothesis still believe that the critical period hypothesis cannot be overthrown for a long time, and their main basis is the concrete example of the key period hypothesis. However, some scholars who oppose the critical period hypothesis think that the second language acquisition level is uneven, and the main determinant is the difference between individual language acquisition ability and individual cognition.

A long experiment found that many learners who began to learn a second language after 6 years of age had difficulty learning the authentic pronunciation and intonation. After the age of 15, the learners who begin to learn a foreign language do not have the same level of grammar or syntax as their native language learners.

The critical period hypothesis in second language acquisition is still a controversial hot issue. At present, according to the relationship between the age factor and the second language acquisition, the scholars have the following points: The first stage of learning in adult learners has an advantage in learning speed, especially in grammar and vocabulary, but they may be surpassed by children later. In pronunciation, children are better at mastering good pronunciation. If a child's environment is accessible to sufficient language, most children will gain a purer accent in second language acquisition. Children have a higher language potential, and children may reach higher levels of learning a second language than adults. Although the study of second language grammar is not limited by age, the speed or level of grammar learning is influenced by the age factor.

We can find that age factor is not the determinant of second language acquisition, but it does affect the learning of second language acquisition from learning speed and pronunciation. For children, because they are in a relatively good language environment, learning a second language is very strong, at the same time, children's childhood imitation ability is also a great advantage to help them learn better. However, their shortcomings are also very prominent, that is, the accuracy of language is not high, memory is slightly poor, fluent degree is not high, the overall logical thinking ability is deficient. For teenagers, the advantage of their second language acquisition is that their mother tongue has formed, therefore, in the process of second language acquisition will not be too much mother tongue interference, language fluency is higher than children, memory ability will be improved, understanding ability is stronger, and young people have sufficient time to study. The disadvantage of teenagers learning a second language is to spend more time and energy than children's study and to maintain good learning consciousness and self-discipline. Especially junior or high school students, they study too many courses on weekdays, so they can not devote all their energies to the study of the second language, so they need to rationally arrange their own study plan.

From the process of second language acquisition, it can be found that in addition to the age factors, learning atmosphere, language environment, personal interests, social and cultural background, and many other factors will affect it, among them, the age factor is only an important factor affecting second language acquisition, it is not a decisive factor. Therefore, the second language learners can promote the acquisition of second language quickly and efficiently only if they coordinate all the factors and make them work together.


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