下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Plagiarism and reference,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了抄袭和引用。尽管剽窃和引用都出现了其他作者作品中的语句,但是剽窃和引用之间还是有很多区别的。剽窃和引用的内在目的是不同的,剽窃是一种恶意的窃取原作者的思想和作品的行为,而引用仅仅是从其他作者的观点中引用来支持新文章的观点。另外,剽窃和引用的出现有很大的不同,跟剽窃想比,引用不会刻意隐藏原作者。
Plagiarism is a serious academic stealing of other person’s works, thoughts and expressions as one’s own original work. It is not only a terrible dishonest behavior, but also a stain in one’s ethics. There are many forms of plagiarism, among which the most common form is the directly using others’ words or results without pointing out the original authors. There will be many codes of ethics referring the issue of plagiarism in academic institutions, including our university of course. According to these codes, the plagiarism is one of the most serious behaviors in the academic fields, resulting in not only the failure of certain course, but also a possible expelling from school. Reference means a proper citation of other’s work with the presentation of how to reach the referred author’s work, including the authors’ words, opinions, thoughts, graphs and illustrations. A proper reference should give clear guide for readers to retrace to the original work.
Despite both plagiarism and reference have the appearance of words from other authors’ work, there are a lot of differences between plagiarism and reference. Firstly, the inner purpose of plagiarism and reference are quite different. Plagiarism is out of vicious intention to steal from the original authors for their thoughts and works, while reference is just a citation from other authors’ opinions to support the opinions in the new essay. Secondly, the appearances of plagiarism and reference are quite different. As for plagiarism, the intention of which is to conceal the fact of stealing works from other people, it is likely for plagiarism not to show any evidence of the existence of original authors in the essay, neither in the in-text citation nor the reference part. As for reference, the intention of which is to correctly cite other people’s works, it is likely to reveal information of original authors in some parts of the article. The perfect way to make reference is to refer to the source of original essays both in in-text citation and after-text reference. Sometime authors are so careless that he/ she forgets to make complete and correct citation in both in-text and after-text positions, which still can be treated as reference instead of plagiarism. It is because that despite improper, the presentation of citation in-text or after-text still expresses the intention to link readers to the opinions’ original author instead of hiding the author of original essays on purpose.
As in my case, I’m too careless to forget the correct reference to the original source inside the essay, which is really a terrible mistake, but I do not intend to hide any information of the original authors because of my presentation of the full information of the author and his work in the reference part correctly. Therefore, my mistake is more likely an improper reference than a vicious plagiarism. I’ve learned a lot from this case, and I promise to correct the terrible mistake I just made this time and not to make the same mistake ever again in the future. Would you please forgive me for my carelessness and give me another chance for my correction?
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