本篇paper代写- The Life Of People In Brazil’s Favelas讨论了。他们从不同的角度探讨了巴西贫民窟人民的生活。耶稣来自巴西社会的底层,半个世纪前曾是贫民窟的一员。这本书是她在住在贫民窟时写的日记。虽然那是很久以前的事,但这本书给了人们很多“饥饿”的真实体验,这种体验在今天的巴西贫民窟中仍然可以看到。这种对自己亲身经历的贫民窟生活的直接描写,使该出版物引起了巨大的社会冲击,变得更加真实巴舞的面貌和桑巴舞学校,作为贫民窟的外来者,是贫民窟人民文化娱乐生活的一部分。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。
The favelas seem to be mysterious to people all over the world. Thus, different works such as Death without weeping, Samba and Child of the Dark are devoted to different features of life in favelas.
They all give some information of personal life and the development of the favelas all over the Brazil. Those three articles all provide a powerful first-hand writing of life of people in favelas in Brazil. Carolina Maria Jesus depicts the streets of São Paulo from 1955 to 1960. And only under the support of a kind people she spent a year to learn in school. And when she was young she was leaving their homes, and worked as maid(Jesus, 3,4). In the Death without weeping, there is the discussion of the backward and poor plantation areas called Alto do Cruzerio in northeastern Brazil against the background of the large-scale rapid urbanization, and large number of migration (Scheper-Hughes, 8). Also, Samba introduced the war of Canudos,and the building of uphill houses as settlement place (8). This points out a sharp contrast between development and poverty within the same country. They all help to attract international attention to the plight of the poor in favelas all over the Brazil and its diverse and unique culture of samba at the same time.
They are devoted to contradictory features of life in Brazil of people in favelas from different perspectives. Jesus came from the bottom of the Brazilian society and was one member of favelas half a century ago. This book is the diary she wrote when she lived in slums in 1955-1960. But it had to admit that although the author's life was long ago, the book gives people a lot of true experience of "hunger" which is still seen today among people in favelas in Brazil. This direct depiction of favelas life experienced by herself makes the publication cause a great social shock and become more real. By contrast, Nancy Scheper-Hughes is a professor from a developed countries, the University of California in the modern time and it is true of author of Samba. So in Nancy Scheper-Hughes’s writing, there are also mention of hunger life of Alto do Cruzerio in 1960s, but it is written from an observer’s perspective and it is mainly focusing on its influence on babies, namely infant death and maternal love. There were 350 babies died in the shortage of food of Alto do Cruzerio in 1960s, and there are a large number of babies who come to the earth closely with each other, but they died when they still got no names from their parents(Scheper-Hughes,8, 10). And Samba, it is mainly focused on current look of samba and the samba schools, which is part of cultural and entertainment life of people in favelas as a outsider of favelas.
To sum up, in Death without weeping, Nancy Scheper-Hughes discussed how the poverty in Brazil’s favelas and mom’s helpless emotions and sadness when their children’ life is deprived by poverty. In the book Samba, it presents other side of people in Brazil’s favelas from the perspective of a traveler: they are good at dancing and full of merry spirits. Child of the Dark written by Carolina Maria Jesus---a girl living in Rio’s favelas provided her unique life experience and a new perspective for understanding Brazil's social problems of favelas.
Works cited
Jesus, Carolina Maria or De Jesus, Carolina Maria. Child of the Dark. Signet Classics
Nancy Scheper-Hughes. Death without weeping. Natural history Samba